Adobe Systems The referendum result Dr Monika Brusenbauch Meislová EVS465: Brexit: Politics, Policies and Processes 26 March 2019 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶How the UK voted [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ̶ [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Clear geographical differences [USEMAP] Adobe Systems [USEMAP] Adobe Systems [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Many constituents voted differently from their MPs [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Changes between referenda in 1975 and 2016 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶The referendum was decided in England Total votes cast in each UK region [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Clear social and age differences in how people voted Demographic breakdown of voters [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Educational background as a strong indicator of voting intention Educational levels of Remain and Leave voters [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Alignment between newspaper position and readers‘ voting intention Leave vote by newspaper read most often [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Large numbers of people voted differently from the position of the party they voted for in the 2015 election Votig preference and 2015 general election vote [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Voters who identified themselves as English voted strongly for Leave Votes according to strength of English and British identity [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Remain and Leave voters divided by values [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Views and experiences of immigration were important dividing lines [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result The 10 districts with the lowest Leave votes and the percentage of non-UK residents in each [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result The 10 districts with the highest eave votes and the percentage of non-UK residents in each [USEMAP] Adobe Systems The referendum result ̶Summaries of an average Leave and Remain voter [USEMAP] Adobe Systems J [USEMAP] Adobe Systems J [USEMAP] Adobe Systems J [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Food for thought: Anne Applebaum: Theresa May isn’t the adult in the room. She’s part of the problem. Washington Post, 22 March 2019. minister-in-living-memory/2019/03/22/405920e6-4ca5-11e9-93d0-64dbcf38ba41_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2Yl Mydv7SOt9OVCTjZeBG6o-WPX22oQmk1sXBQ0QyblZnjN0BXSqxFogA&noredirect=on&utm_term=.2ff7a03efc9b [USEMAP] Adobe Systems J [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ̶ ̶ Thank you for your attention