PP2 + The Treaty of Amsterdam, Treaty of Nice and institutional reforms with regard to the Eastern enlargement (March 20, Kuchyňková)
The Treaty of Nice is understood as the institutional solution to the EU’s eastern enlargement, special attention is therefore devoted to institutional changes. On the other hand, this reform demonstrated that member states were only prepared to make technical revisions, and other crucial changes were left for the future.
European Commission (2001): Who’s who in the European Union? What difference will the Treaty of Nice make? Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001 (28 pages)
Laursen, F. (2012): "The Treaty of Nice: The Inadequate Preparation of Enlargement." In: Lursen, Finn (ed.): Designing the European Union. From Paris to Lisbon. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 196-216. (21 pages)
Moravcsik, A. and Nicolaidis, K. (1998): “Keynote Article: Federal Ideas and Constitutional Realities in the Treaty of Amsterdam.” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 36, Annual Review, pp. 13-38. (26 pages)
Documents (recommended):
Treaty of Amsterdam: Treaty on European Union (consolidated version)
Treaty of Amsterdam: Treaty establishing the European Community (consolidated version)
Homework - position paper II
Deadline for submission: March 18 (23:59)Length: 2500-3000 signs
Epstein, Rachel, A. and Jacoby, Wade (2014): Eastern Enlargement Ten Years On: Transcending the East–West Divide? Journal of Common Market Studies, 2014 Volume 52. Number 1. pp. 1–9.
The text for the PP3 is an introduction of a special issue of Journal of Common Market Studies devoted to the consequences of the European Union’s eastern enlargement. Please, read especially the pages 1-9 and try to reflect in your PP the following questions: What were the main positive effects of the eastern enlargement both for the EU and for the newcoming states? What are the persisting problems in your view? Have the eastern enlargement helped to overcome differencies between the "West" and the "East" of Europe? Why yes/not? Try to present your own ideas a and viewpoints.