Nuclear Fuel Cycle I PhDr. Tomáš Vlček, Ph.D. International Relations and Energy Security Department of International Relations and European Studies Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Fuel Cycle Front End Price Break-down (2013) Uranium 9.0 kg U3O8 $ 50 per lb $ 990 41% Conversion 7.6 kg U $ 13 per kg $ 99 4% Enrichment 7 SWU $ 150 per SWU $ 1050 43% Fabrication 1 kg $ 300 per kg $ 300 12% Total $ 2439 100% About 20 tonnes of enriched uranium for an average large reactor refuel is needed, the cost is thus about $ 50 million Total front end world market is now worth about $ 25 billion annually Source: Steve Kidd, World Nuclear Association Nuclear Fuel Economy The reactor fuel buyers fight hard to save every last cent because this is cost they feel they can influence. It has however minor role on the NPP operating costs. Impact of 50 % increase in fuel costs on generating costs Source: Global Energy Decisions, ERI, Inc.; IEA WEO 2006; in Steve Kidd, 2010, Nuclear Fuel: Myths and Realities  Natural uranium is relatively abundant and evenly spread in the earth's crust. The occurence is about 500 times higher than with gold.  Granite (% of the earth's crust) is less concentrated with uranium = 4 ppm (0,0001 %).  Coal is more abundant with uraniu, the concentration is around 100 ppm (0,01 %), in some fertilizers up to 400 ppm (0,04 %).  If the concentration is high (0,03 % and more), the matter is called uranium ore and could be mined with profit.  Traditional mining (open mine pits, shaft mines)  In-situ methods 7 Mining 8 Mining Uranium Mine Uranium Grade (%) Annual Production (tU) Country Olympic Dam 0,05 4356 South Australia Ranger 0,2 5544 Northern Australia McArthur River mine 20,66 8491 USA Dolní Rožínka 0,1-0,2 408 Czech Republic Krasnokamensk 0,38 3431 Russian Federation Cigar Lake 20,67 - Canada McClean Lake 2,4 2490 USA 9 Mining 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22  Rising NPP capacity factors (10 % in 1990s)  Rising enrichment levels (up to 5 % U235)  Uranium price levels limit usable deposits exploration and extraction (proven reserves vs. pure guesses) – U from oceans  According to Red Book, there is 7,635 Mt of Identified resources of U, not counting resources with current production price above 260 USD/1 kg  400 junior uranium companies emerged recently (largely still in exploration stage)  Stockpiles of natural and enriched uranium  RepU (expensive U = pressure on reprocessing)  P239 (Spent fuel, weapons)  Down-blended weapons-grade uranium  Re-enriched uranium tails assay (currently 0.25-0.3% U235)  Higher enrichment (expensive U = pressure on higher enrichment/U235 extraction)  Breeder reactors (U238 to P239)  Fusion (?)  Extreme short-term measures (lowering NPP production output means longer fuel campaigns) Uranium Production Perspective  The ore usually contains about 0.1% uranium, sometimes even less.  In this form it is unusable and any transport would be unnecessarily expensive.  Processing plants therefore usually surround the mine.  At first one, the uranium is freed from the so-called uranium tailings. The refined ore is then ground into mash. The mash is concentrated and then chemically leached by sulfuric acid. After drying the resulting product is the uranium concentrate U3O8 (yellow cake).  After drying, and usually heating, the uranium is concentrated to about 80% and filled into 200 liter barrels in which it is transported for further processing.  The rest of the rock contains residues after dissolution and most of the radioactivity (natural uranium radioactivity is consisted largely of radioactive elements emerging due to uranium´s natural decay, these remain in the uranium ore after precipitation of uranium). These tailings are then placed back into the mine or tailing ponds, where they are artificially isolated from the environment. 24 Processing 25 26 27 28 29  Given that uranium enrichment using existing technology can only happen in a gaseous form, is the conversion of yellowcake to gas a necessary step in the fuel supply chain.  Pitchblende (U3O8) can be directly converted to uranium trioxide (UO3) which can be directly used in specific reactors that do not require enriched fuel.  For most reactors the uranium concentration in directly produced uranium dioxide is not sufficiently high. Thus the pitchblende is converted into uranium hexafluoride (UF6), which is normally in a gaseous state.  Uranium hexafluoride is then pumped into large metal cylinders, where it solidifies, and transported to the enrichment plants. 31 Conversion Source: Euratom Supply Agency -China´s capacity is expected to grow considerably in 2025 and beyond -Plan to develop Ulba plant in Kazakhstan (12 000 tU) Conversion  The capacity of enrichment plants is determined in kg of SWU (Separative Work Unit).  Example: Bigger nuclear power plant with an output of 1300 MWe (equivalent to 3 of 4 units of Dukovany) needs for annual operation about 25 tons of fuel enriched to 3.75%. For its production 210 tons of natural uranium and about 120,000 SWU is needed. Enrichment plant with a capacity of 1 million SWU / year - such as the Chinese plant in Lanzhou (900 kSWU / year) would be able to supply eight such plants. 33 Enrichment Source: World Nuclear Association Nuclear Fuel Report 2013 & 2105, Areva 2014 Reference Document for most 2013 figures. Enrichment SWU calculator: 35 36 Country Company Location Capacity (1000 SWU/year) Porous membrane enrichment Argentina CNEA Pilcaniyeu 20 Čína CNNC Lanzhou 900 Francie EURODIF Tricastin 10 800 USA U. S. Enrichment Corp. Paducah, Kentucky 11 300 Porous membrane enrichment total 23 020 37 38 Centrifuge enrichment Brazil INB Resende ? China CNNC Hanzhong 500 Lanzhou 500 France EURODIF Gerges Besse II, Tricastin Under Construction India DAE Nuclear Fuel Complex Ratnahalli 4,5 Iran AEOI Nazanz ? Qom ? Japan JNC Ningyo Toge 200 Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited Rokkasho-mura 1 050 North Korea Yongbyon 8 Germany Urenco Deutschland GmbH Gronau 2 750 Netherlands Urenco Nederland BV Almelo 4 400 Pakistan Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Kahuta 5 Russia Rosatom UEIE Yekaterinburg 7 000 SKhK Seversk 4 000 ECP Zelenogorsk 3 000 AEKhK Angarsk 2 600 USA Urenco USA National Enrichment Facility, Lea County, NM Under Construction Great Britain Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst 5 050 Total centrifuge enrichment 31 067,5 Enrichment Economy SWU calculator: Nuclear Fuel Cost Calculator: 40 41 Difference to every other step:  1) Fabrication is a highly specialised service rather than commodity (barrier for newcomers enetring the market)  2) TVEL offers full front end process as a product (i.e. fuel) vs. steps in the fuel cycle  3) Main technology (NPP) suppliers are also main fuel producers  4) Fuel is manufactured according to public tenders specifing the product in details  5) VVER technology was developed paralelly with western technology (legacy of cold war)  6) Markets were opened 25 years ago with no experience on both sides  7) The nuclear fuel quality is critical for NPP production. The financial implications of reduced plant performance would quickly outweigh any benefit from potentially lower fuel prices Fabrication 43 Uhlí, uran, OZE 44 Uhlí, uran, OZE 45 Uhlí, uran, OZE 46 Uhlí, uran, OZE 47 48 49 Uhlí, uran, OZE 50 51 52 53 54