Energy transitions and impact on the CEE region: Case study of Energiewende and the Czech energy sector Filip Černoch Energy policy of the EU Energy transition - decarbonization • Driven by the climate change • Low-carbon policies are introduced (esp. in Europe) • Uncertainty about the future – how the system based (largely) on RES will look like? • The energy sectors in the CEE region are rather conservative, but are exposed to the external pressures (neighboring countries, the EU) Energy transition - decarbonization Energiewende Economic growth, power and energy consumption, GHG emissions 1990 - 2017 Gross power production in Germany 1990 – 2018 by source, in TWh Share of energy sources in gross German power production in 2018 Impact of EW on the Czech Republic Trading with electricity – price convergence • Size of the German and Czech electricity market – 631TWh and 86TWh (average for 2011-2015). Wholesale price of electricity 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Q1 and Q2/2014 Q3/2014 Q4/2014 Q1/2015 Q2/2015 Q3/2015 Q4/2015 Q1/2016 Germany The Czech Republic Market signals – decreasing price of power • RES subsidies drive the wholesale price of electricity down (retail price up) • Price accepted by the neighbouring countries Market signals – volatile prices • Electricity production in Germany in week 19 2019 (wind + solar) Impact on Czech producers • Producers face reduced revenues. (EBITDA of ČEZ decreased from €3,5 bn. in 2009 to €2,5 bn. in 2015, EW one of the reasons) • Low variable cost generation portfolio (nuclear, hydro) – still profitable company • 88 % of electricity generated from low-merit or mid-merit sources (coal 50 %, nuclear 30 %, hydro 5,5 %) • What should be the investment strategy in this scenario? Impact on Czech consumers • Impacted by the import of cheaper electricity Historical Prices of CZ Base CALs (Delivery periods) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1/1/2013 3/1/2013 5/1/2013 7/1/2013 9/1/2013 11/1/2013 1/1/2014 3/1/2014 5/1/2014 7/1/2014 9/1/2014 11/1/2014 1/1/2015 3/1/2015 5/1/2015 7/1/2015 9/1/2015 11/1/2015 1/1/2016 3/1/2016 5/1/2016 7/1/2016 9/1/2016 EUR/MWh CAL-15 CAL-16 CAL-17 CAL-18 CAL-19 Impact on government • Nuclear energy as a baseload source of energy questioned. (Price, construction time, volatility). • Nuclear is planned to replace decommissioning of 14 GW (out of 24 GW total) of capacities in 2030. SEPU 2015 – target structure of gross electricity production (2014 situation in brackets) Nuclear-fueled 46-58% (29%) Renewables and waste 18-25% (13%) Natural gas 5-15% (9%) Hard and brown coal 11-21% (55%) Operational flexibility of sources Technology Minimum power (% of rated power) Ramp rate (% of rated power per minute) Hot start-up time (h) Nuclear 50% 2% 24 Coal 30% 6% 3 Natural gas – CCGT 30% 8% 2 Natural gas – OCGT 20% 20% 0.16 Unscheduled flows What about coal power plants? Unscheduled flows Grid is not fit to accomodate 1 500 000 PV units and 23 000 wind turbines Trades and flow of electricity 2014/2015 Sources • BMWi (2015): Making a success of the energy transition. • Clean Energy Wire • Černoch Energiewende and the Energy Security of the Czech Republic and Poland • IEA (2019): World Energy Investment 2019 • AleaSoft (2019): European electricity markets panorama: Germany • Clean Energy Wire (2019): Germany´s energy consumption and power mix in charts