Israel’s “new” freinds MVZ247 Week 11 Old Enemy-New Friend Saudi Arabia Visit to Israel Media campaign in SA UAE Academic and policy forums (open channels) Egypt Visit in 9 years Side-Benefits With Egypt and S.A. talk of reviving 2002 peace initiative PMO has discussed interest in improved Arab-Israeli relations first. Robust trade in Israeli security tech. Increased/Improved Cyber warfare, border security, critical infrastructure Shared Interests Combating Terrorism Regional stability Regular meetings with high-level security officials S.A.-Israel (F.P.) Stopping spread of Islamic State Security Preventing a nuclear weapons program in Iran Hegemonic aspirations Going forward “Coalition of the willing” Backdoor channels Threat perceptions Hezbollah = Gulf states declared them terror group Missiles and missile defense (S.A. in Yemen) Resources and Capabilities create a common strategy to counter, defend, defeat shared enemies. Synchronize efforts