Introduction Maya Hadar OBJECTIVES OF THE SEMINAR To develop an overview of concepts, methods and applications of Internet based research (experimental + big data) 01 Applying theoretic knowledge in designing and conducing your own online surveys 02 EXPECTED OUTCOMES •STUDENTS WOULD ACQUIRE SOLID UNDERSTANDING OF CONCEPTS CENTRAL TO THE FIELD OF INTERNET-BASED RESEARCH. •STUDENTS WOULD GET AN OVERVIEW OF THE MOST COMMONLY USED INDICES IN THE FIELDS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATION AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. •STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE ONLINE INDICES IN THEIR OWN RESEARCH. EXPECTED OUTCOMES •STUDENTS SHOULD BE BALE TO DESIGN AND CARRY OUT A BASIC ONLINE SURVEY/EXPERIMENT. •STUDENTS WOULD POSSESS BASIC SKILLS AND COMPETENCES TO DESIGN, CONDUCT AND ANALYSE DATA ORIGINATED IN THE WEB. TACKLED QUESTIONS How can online sources be used for academic research? How can I make sure that the sources i‘m using are reliable? How do i make sense of big data (online)? I‘m interested in researching …, does it make sense to design & carry out an online survey/experiment? I know nothing about codes and logarithms, can i still design & carry out surveys/experiments online? How do I ‘get’ people to participate in my research? What are the most common indices, used in my fields of study? STRUCTURE Theoretical understanding of core concepts of internet-based research Students will design and execute their own online surveys Online indices as data sources in academic research conducted in political science and international relations would be discussed COURSE STRUCTURE Feb 21 1. Introduction to the seminar Feb 28 2. Introduction to internet-based research and online data March 7 3. Early history & methodology of Internet-based research- reading week March 14 4. Mining Big Data, Amazon’s mechanical Turk, Survey Data March 21 5. Internet research in political science March 28 6. Internet research in political science April 4 7. Internet-based research: students’ presentations April 11 8. Practical session- How to create your own web experiment/survey April 18 9. Introduction to using online indices in conducting academic research April 25 10. Common Indices in Poli-sci and IR: students’ presentations May 2 11. Practical Session- work on your own survey (in class) May 9 12. Practical Session- work on your own survey (at home) May 16 13. The ethics of internet research, summary and conclusion, feedback STUDENT REQUIREMENTS • PASS/FAIL • WEEKLY READINGS • 2 PRESENTATION (ONE PAPER + ONE INDEX) • CARRY OUT A SIMPLE ONLINE SURVEY/EXPERIMENT • FINAL PAPER: YOUR SURVEY/EXPERIMENT => QUESTION, PROCES, OUTCOMES • ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE MANDATORY FOR A SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS One research paper, one online index • Author, journal, research question, methodology, findings, conclusion and later literature citing the paper • Original input (concerning future research, critical feedback etc.) • 10-20 minutes Research paper => • Basic information about the research centre/institute which is heading the index, description of the goal of the index, the methodology used, the system of scaling/scores, highlight from the most current index and an example of how the data was used in contemporary academic research • 10-20 minutes On line index=> FINAL PAPER Based on your own online survey You choose the topic! Topic should be communica ted to the lecture via email by 14.03 Focus on the research question and work process, less on findings 2,000-2,500 words (6-7 pages) Submission deadline June 1st, 2019 at 9:00 (can submit before) Basic structure and writing guidelines will be provided FURTHER INFORMATION • MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A COMPUTER CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET • SET A GOOGLE ACCOUNT (TO GAIN ACCESS TO GOOGLE FORMS) • THINK OF POTENTIAL IDEAS FOR YOUR SURVEY/EXPERIMENT (KEEP IT SIMPLE!) • AN INTERESTING RESEARCH QUESTION THAT HAS TO DO WITH PEOPLE’S PERCEPTIONS, REACTIONS, PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS • ”STUDENTS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE EXPRESS A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF CONTEMPORARY POLITICS” • “PEOPLE FIND INFORMATION MORE CONVINCING WHEN THEY READ IT IN HARDCOPY RATHER THAN ONLINE/MITIGATED BY AGE?” IMPORTANT DEADLINES • SURVEY TOPIC => SESSION 3 • ASSIGNMENT OF PRESENTATIONS => SESSION 2 • SUBMISSION OF THE FINAL PAPER => JUNE 1ST (EARLIER SUBMISSION IS POSSIBLE) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS • WILL THE PRESENTATIONS BE UPLOADED TO IS? YES • WHERE CAN I FIND THE READINGS? IN IS • IS LECTURE ATTENDANCE MANDATORY? YES • DO I NEED ANY PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH/DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF COMPUTERS? NO • WHAT IF I NEED FURTHER SUPPORT? EMAIL ME  • WHY SHOULD I TAKE THIS SEMINAR? RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY, KNOWLEDGE CAN EASILY BE IMPLEMENTED IN OTHER COURSES