190 Beyond Justice social-technological interpretations of utopias by Saage and Habermas (who are right as regards the first level), here an element of individuality and non-determination – or non-identity, in Adorno’s words – comes in. This normative stance may ultimately be based on an awareness of human creativity. For the impossibility of imagining and establishing the perfect society leaves space for precisely the kind of spontaneity that every society must permit. In this respect, More remains faithful to Pico della Mirandola’s conception of dignity: human dignity lies in its indeterminate nature and the ever-renewing capacity of humans to determine themselves.46 This would mean that utopias take their orientation from the idea of human dignity after all. Yet happiness also features as an important normative aspect, but now as something that cannot be produced and directed or controlled. Happiness appears as a politically aporetic concept. 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Adorno, Theodor W. 13 Arendt and 166 justice in The Wild Duck 153, 160–2 knowing the inhuman 6 Minima Moralia 161 non-identity 190 Problems of Moral Philosophy 160 Adventures of Telemach (Fénelon) 188 alienation 5–6, 107 L’An 2440, rêve s’il en fut jamais (Mercier) 188 Aquinas, Thomas soul over human dignity 99 arbitrariness 21 Arendt, Hannah Benjamin and 166 concept of power 106n, 175 context in totalitarianism 165–6 council democracy 173–5 Human Condition 169–73 Origins of Totalitarianism 167–9 On Revolution 168 self-determination 13 atheism human dignity and 100 Augustine of Hippo 75 religious toleration 138, 139 soul over human dignity 99 Aung San Suu Kyi 72 authoritarianism peace and justice 91 worldview 90 see also domination; tyranny autonomy human rights and 39, 40–2, 47, 49–51, 55 moral vs ethical 104 principle of justification 35 pursuit of good life 50–1 Rawls and social structure 31 reciprocity and generality 140–2 right to justification 124 subjective justification 3–4 toleration and 139–43 universal notion of 51 Bacon, Francis Nova Atlantis 187–8, 189 Bayle, Pierre Commentaire philosophique 136 Dictionaire historique and critique 138 Kant and 144 Pensées diverses sur la Comète 136 toleration 136–9, 142 Beitz, Charles 40, 41 intervention and rights 55 role of human rights 86 Index