COURSE INTRODUCTION PSY292 ADDICTION Excessive internet use in European adolescents What determines differences in severity.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Dysfunctional impulsivity in online gaming addiction and engagement | Blinka | Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace - Mozilla Firefox ckx1981.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Excessive Internet use for Sexual Purposes Among Members of Sexaholics Anonymous and Sex Addicts Anonymous - 10720162.2018.1431166 - Mozilla Firefox Gaming under the influence: An exploratory study | Request PDF - Mozilla Firefox Sexting as a predictor of sexual behavior in a sample of Czech adolescents - 17405629.2017.1295842 - Mozilla Firefox MODELS OF ADDICTION •Historical development of substance use •Historical understanding of substance use – e.g. Addiction as a moral failure •Current understanding of addictions – addiction as a brain disease, genetic susceptibility to addiction •Psychological models of addiction – e.g. addiction as a learned and imitated behaviour (behaviourism); substance use as mood regulation (psychodynamics) •Environmental factors of addictions - role of family, role of peer groups, adolescence as the problematic age WHAT IS ADDICTION •Definition •Diagnostics: •International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (World Health Organisation) •Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th revision (American Psychiatric Association) • SUBSTANCE USE •Chemical properties, ways of administrations, effects, risks factors & comorbidities, prevalence, specificities • •Legal drugs: Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, prescription drugs •Illicit drugs: Cannabis, amphetamines (speed, pervitin, ecstasy), cocaine, heroin & opiates, new psychoactive substances (synthetic opioids), hallucinogens (LSD, ketamine) • • BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS •Can one be addicted to behaviour? Is it the same addiction as to substances? Controversies and current state of knowledge •Gambling •Internet gaming disorder and other excessive online behaviours •Sex and porn addiction •Eating disorders as behavioural addictions •Excessive excessing • ADDICTION – WHAT TO DO? •Prevention •Counselling and therapy (12 step program, KBT therapy, motivation enhancement approach, psychodynamic psychotherapy) •Stages of change •Harm reduction • TIMETABLE 1.3. Historical understanding of substance use and addiction 8.3. Biological basis of addiction 15.3. Psychological basis of addiction 20.3. Environmental basis of addiction 29.3. Summarizing definition of addiction. Diagnostics 5.4. Legal drugs: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine 12.4. Illicit drugs: opioids, cannabinoids, stimulants 26.3. Behavioural addictions I: Gambling, sex and porn 3.5. Behavioural addictions II: Digital media, eating disorders 10.5. Prevention, therapy, harm reduction EVALUATION •Final essay •Work in a group of 2-4 people •Choose one of the following films •Discuss the film in the group •Write an essay about that film in which you use knowledge from this course (there will be one essay per group) •Essay can be creative but it must be critical and evidence based •Evaluation will be based on: depth of understanding of addiction (usage of theories etc. you learn in the course); support of your claims by evidence from the film; critical thinking; use of further sources •