Media Society and Culture 1 Media Effect •Laswell’s Model of Mass Communication • •Who •Says What •In Which Channel •To Whom •With What Effect •=> Propaganda Analysis (1920s) •Strong Technological Determinism • • • 2 Media Effect •Walter Lippmann • •Public Opinion (1922) => Citizen survey • •We see the world as "pictures in our heads” • •Media shape perception of things we have not experienced personally • •Urban expansion and Global Affairs – Relying on Media • • • • 3 Media Effect •Powerful Effects Theory •Media have immediate, direct influence •Assumes people are passive and absorb media content uncritically & unconditionally • •“Hypodermic Needle” model •The media (needle) injects the message into audience mind and it causes changes in audience behavior and psyche towards the message. •“Magic Bullet” model •The media (magic gun) fired the message directly into audience head without their own knowledge. Název prezentace v zápatí 4 Media Effect •Minimalist Effects •Paul Lazarsfeld’s Erie County study (1940) •Mass media had hardly any direct effect •Personal contact more important than media contact •Media effects mostly indirect • •Two Step Flow Model •Media affect individuals through opinion leaders •Opinion leaders are those who influence others •Clergy, teachers, neighborhood leaders, etc. • 5 Media Effect •Framing •selecting and highlighting some facets of events or issues and making connections among them so as to promote a particular interpretation, evaluation, and/or solution] •Ex, A”black” criminal killed (his wife) •Agenda Setting •Media tell people what to think about – but not what to think •Sex scandal is the key issue •Priming •enhancing the effects of the media by offering the audience a prior context •URBAN DEVELOPMENT is VERY Important.. environment is also important • • 6 Media Effect •Cumulative Effects Theory •Media influences are gradual over time •Effects are often more powerful •But not easily measurable • •Spiral of Silence (Noelle-Neumann) •Vocal majority intimidates others into silence •or Bandwagon effects (Free riders) • Název prezentace v zápatí 7 Active Audience •Uses & Gratifications •People choose media that meet their needs & interests •Needs, such as •Surveillance (wanna know about..) •Media provide information about what’s going on •Both news & entertainment •Diversion (wanna get relaxed) •Media as entertainment Stimulate / Relax / Release •Socialization (wanna be) •Mass media can help initiate people into society •Demonstrate dominant behaviors and norms •“Observational learning” • 8