o e Of E r? u ň N T E % v O -g K. * - g (U 01 U H *S Ihr palcfc-jl «rrmutin I 3 ■£ B K n. I 's 1 = — - I 3 1 a f, 9 í íl 11 -í *1lonil| M.l «II J« M 1*WV O* fcpian ■sj.icl.«.mi iiu«i».iw.k1 num:i pn •■mwn -nnij Tin aip 'VBll Ja *>• 5 uiiii"!i»ir-i'j choices made elsewhere, over which states have no practical control. Hvpfrglohalbtm insist that the minimalist political order of the future will be determined by regional economies linked together in nn almost seamless global web of production and exchange. Thr group of glubaliration sceptics disagrees, highlighting instead the ivulnd mlc of imlitits in unleashing the fonrrs nf globalization, especially through the successful mobilization of political power, [n their view, the rapid expansion of global economic activity can Ix1 reduced neither to a. natural law d monitoring, ha* often Iwn eited as the most notable exception to the general trend toward global integration. Although only 2 percent uf the worlds population live outside their country of origin, immigration control lias become a central issue in most advanced nations. Many governments seek to restrict population flows, particularly those originating in the poor countries of (lie global South. Even in the United States, annua] inflow* of about 1,400,00", imrnlgrants during the 2000a orry i i.|uali:-d tin li I-. i-.-. i.l during the lir-: two decades o1 - ■• with century. finally, the series of drastic national security measures that were implemented Worldwide as a response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 reflect political dynamics that run counter lit the hxperglobalizers' predictions of a horderless world. Some civil rights advocates still fear that the enormous expansion of national security measures around the world might enable state* tn re-impose restrictions un the freedom of movement and asaemhly. At the same time, however, the artivities uf global terrorist networks hm-e revealed the inadequacy of conveuunnal natiunal security structures based on the modern nation-state system, thus forcing national governments to engage in nevy forms of international cooperation. EC a llOjUll iin.-HÍilj|lr.| .ii[r. 'Hl'tt .... n.'iK^r ľi between mummix Bovemmrntfll and rvon-guveriiineiital «rjp»ni»tiofl6. If flich a promising sosnaiio indeed will come to pass, llwti the linaJ uutrnmeof political ejobali2atiuii] might well be thr rTnrrjjcTKX' of a cosmopolitan democracy tlmt would constitute the basis for a plurality of identities flourishing within 41 stricture of mutual toleratkm and aixxnntahilrry. Accordi ng to lljLuii.l Hulcl. uiif ut'thr-rhiH proponent* of this view, the ccismcipnlitjui democrac}'of the future would contain thr foil-i^iilu political featuresc: 1. A dubal parliament conni-crod lu regions-, atatui. and localities; 2. A new charter of rights, and duties locked into different domains of political. social, and emnnrnx- power; 3. The formal separation of political and tmiHititc interests; +. An interconriecvd gluTml I^hI system viith mechajiiinu at mfofcetnteril from the local to the gluLd. A number Of 1»& Optimistic commentatnrs have challenged the Idea llial political idrihiiliralion it- Moving in the direction of Irthtttgo^rnrnftntaJ and Ragfenal Aaaociallflni I", Incipient global gmtrintH-r: ■ n^inii of interrelated pnw« llliln-K Scmm: adifnK Irun IVii-r IV,]*j. Timir^UJuJ jdoo minliTWiiul rr^in^rillijl* In rJdnl potOM: In B^tii mil ShmJlh. Hi Lihfc«AiMftii- cfWtrii rUitkr. dniun Jill I. p 33H i.-osmoTto-littiri democracy. Mont criticisms boll down to the charge that such a vision indulges in an ahtf ract idealism that fails to enjrajfr current political developments on the level of public policy. Sceptics Hav* also expressed the suspicion that the proponent? of coBmopolllanisrn dn not consider in sufficient detail lhe eullural +i-j«ibilin- of global democracy. In other words, the worldwide intensification of cultural, political, nud economic interaction makes the pinsil>i .it' i-r' rixi-,r.,,,, , Opposition just as real as Lhe benign vision of mutual arrommodatHHL and tolerance of differences. To follow up uti llii.1 cultural dimension al global i7ation, let us turn to the next chapter.