The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma Author(s): J. Michael Greig and Paul F. Diehl Source: International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Dec., 2005), pp. 621-645 Published by: Wiley on behalf of The International Studies Association Stable URL: Accessed: 09-02-2017 10:34 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at The International Studies Association, Wiley are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to International Studies Quarterly This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to International Studies Quarterly (2005) 49, 621-645 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma J. MICHAEL GREIG University of North Texas PAUL F. DIEHIL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Peacekeeping has become an increasingly prominent tool for conflict management and there has been an accompanying explosion of scholarly studies on peacekeeping. Yet, such analyses typically ignore the process of getting a peace agreement itself, missing the potential impact that a peacekeeping force might have in facilitating a peace agreement between protagonists. In this paper, we explore among both enduring rivalries and civil wars whether the presence of a peacekeeping force enhances the prospects for gaining an agreement between protagonists. The academic literature suggests opposing logics: one suggesting the desirability of peacekeeping forces while the other implies that they may be counterproductive. We consider whether the presence of peacekeeping enhances or inhibits mediation and negotiation attempts. We also explore whether the success rates for international mediation and negotiation efforts in those conflicts are affected by the presence of peacekeeping forces. Our results suggest support for the pessimistic view of peacekeeping as it discourages diplomatic efforts and decreases the likelihood of achieving a settlement, although the results are clearer for interstate conflict than for civil wars. Peacekeeping has become an increasingly prominent tool used by the international community to promote conflict management and resolution. Indeed, in the history of the United Nations, over three-fourths of its peacekeeping operations have been initiated since 1988. Although such peacekeeping operations have had, or could have, a variety of missions (see Diehl, Druckman, and Wall 1998, for a comparison), most of the operations have been put in place (1) following a cease-fire, but prior to a peace agreement ("traditional peacekeeping"), or (2) following a peace agreement between disputing parties (as a component of "peacebuilding"). There has been an explosion of studies that have looked at the conditions associated with successful traditional peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Yet the process of getting a peace agreement itself ("peacemaking") is largely ignored by such analyses.' For studies of traditional peacekeeping, the focus is on peacekeepers' Authors' note: An earlier version was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Ann Arbor, MI, November 14-15, 2003. The authors would like to thank Xinyuan Dai, Robert Rauchhaus, Robert Pahre, and three anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions. SIn using the terms "peacekeeping," "peacemaking," and "peacebuilding," we adopt the definitional standards articulated in Boutros-Ghali (1995). Traditional peacekeeping is distinguished from other forms of peacekeeping based on mission type and a series of other dimensions--see Diehl, Druckman, and Wall (1998). ? 2005 International Studies Association. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 622 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma ability to maintain a cease-fire (conflict abatement or avoidance) and not necessarily on resolving the underlying conflict (Fortna 2004). Indeed, some have even argu that considering broader conflict resolution as an explicit criterion for evaluati peacekeeping operations is inappropriate (Johansen 1994; Bratt 1996; see a Druckman and Stern 1997). For scholars of peacebuilding, a peace agreement is critical in defining the environment for peacekeepers to operate. Yet, the pea agreement is taken as a given, and its occurrence is prior to the deployment of peacekeeping operation. This obviates a concern with a reverse causal connecti between the two. What most previous studies miss is the possible impact that the deployment of a peacekeeping force might have on facilitating a peace agreement between protagonists. Specifically, we explore whether the presence of a peacekeeping force enhances the prospects for gaining a settlement between protagonists. Most studies do not address such concerns, and those few that offer some insights do so from a limited empirical basis, often from one or only a few cases. Furthermore, the academic literature seems to suggest opposing logics: one suggesting the desirability of peacekeeping forces while the other implies that they may be counterproductive. The peacekeeping-peacemaking relationship is a critical one for policy makers. Policy makers must first decide whether to send peacekeeping forces to a conflict or whether to rely on other responses (e.g., diplomacy, traditional military intervention). A second dependent choice is the timing of any peacekeeping intervention, specifically whether to deploy forces in one of four conflict phases: prior to the outbreak of violence, during active combat, following a cease-fire, or only after a peace agreement has been signed. If peacekeeping promotes peace settlements, this suggests the desirability of early and frequent deployments of peacekeeping forces, even in the face of significant initial costs. For example, leading UN member states resisted deployment of peacekeeping forces into the Congo in 1999 until a peace agreement was in place between warring factions (and neighboring states). As a consequence, many civilians died in the interim and a comprehensive peace agreement proved elusive. When it finally came, it did not hold for very long. Peacekeepers might have promoted such a peace agreement earlier, and perhaps one that was more successfully implemented. In contrast, if peacekeeping forces stifle conflict resolution efforts, they may be little more than tourniquets that cannot be removed, with all the political and financial implications of a long-standing peacekeeping deployment. This is the standard critique of UN peacekeeping forces in Cyprus and on the Golan Heights. Thus, policy makers should refrain from deployment of peacekeeping operations, at least until the combatants have reached some kind of resolution to their dispute. In order to assess the impact of peacekeeping on diplomatic success, we look at the dynamics of all enduring rivalries between states in the 1946-1996 period and all civil wars between 1946-1999. We first consider whether the presence of peacekeeping enhances or inhibits mediation and negotiation attempts. We then explore whether the success rates for international mediation and negotiation efforts in those conflicts were affected by the presence of peacekeeping forces. We consider whether rivalries and civil wars with peacekeeping had a higher incidence of peace agreements than those that had no such forces. Yet because the deployment of peacekeepers is not randomly distributed, we also look at particular rivalries and civil wars that had periods with and without peacekeeping forces in place, using a time series design. We begin with a discussion of the process of conflict management and how peacemaking can evolve from it. We then survey the empirical literature and different theoretical arguments that explicate the alleged connection between peacekeeping deployment and peace settlements. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 623 Moving from Conflict Management to Settlement Although peacekeeping is an important tool for conflict management in the international system, it is only one of a myriad of approaches to conflict management. Bercovitch, Diehl, and Goertz (1997), for example, distinguish between three general categories of conflict management approaches: unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral methods. Deterrence is the most common means of unilateral conflict management while negotiations are the most common form of bilateral conflict management. Mediation and peacekeeping are both multilateral forms of conflict management. Simply managing conflict, however, only represents a limited victory for peace. Without successfully settling the issues under conflict between disputants, the seeds for renewed conflict remain and the conflict is not resolved. Although peacekeeping can help to manage conflict, by itself, it cannot settle disputes. Carnevale and Pruitt (1992) point to four general means through which disputed issues can be settled: struggle, adjudication, negotiation, and mediation. Struggle, in which disputants employ violence and other means of contention to impose their own settlement to the issues under dispute upon one another, is a common approach to the settlement of disputes. Yet, struggle involves significant costs and risks for disputants. Disputants pay the costs of violence and risk both an uncontrollable escalation of conflict and defeat. Adjudication, although relatively rare in violent international conflicts, involves the imposition of a settlement upon the disputing parties, backed by the force of law. Negotiation and mediation represent middle grounds between struggle and adjudication. Similar to struggle, both mediation and negotiation preserve the independent decision-making of disputants. Mediation and negotiation, however, by relying on dialogue and bargaining, avoid many of the costs that are endemic to struggle. Mediation and negotiation are also similar to adjudication in their reliance upon compromise as instrumental in achieving a settlement to the issues under dispute. Yet, mediation and negotiation, unlike arbitration, are activities in which either disputant may unilaterally terminate the process. Mediation and negotiation are the most commonly used means for settling conflicts within the international system. Although Carnevale and Pruitt (1992) describe mediation and negotiation as separate means of dispute settlement, these two approaches share more commonalities than differences. Both mediation and negotiation, unlike more contentious means of dispute settlement, are built around compromise by the disputants. Jackson's (2000:324) description of negotiation as "a process by which states and other actors in the international arena exchange proposals in an attempt to agree about a point of conflict and manage their relationship" could just as easily describe mediation. Both mediation and negotiation exhibit the same give and take bargaining and each holds the possibility for the achievement of a win-win solution that is absent from struggle-based approaches. Indeed, Touval and Zartman (1989) suggest that mediation is simply a form of negotiation in which a mediator aids the disputants in finding a solution that they are unable to locate themselves. What separates mediation and negotiation from one another is the inclusion of a third party in mediation efforts. Yet, even with the addition of a third-party to the negotiation process, disputants still preserve "the right to accept or reject any suggestions made by the mediator" (Pruitt and Carnevale 1993:103). The addition of a third party can have important consequences upon the prospects for dispute settlement. Even if both disputants desire a settlement, bilateral negotiations may fail because disputants are unable to recognize areas of commonality, lack the means of guaranteeing the agreement, or require further incentives to bridge the gaps between their proposals (see Princen 1992, for example). Mediators can be instrumental in solving what Ott (1972) terms "the bargainer's dilemma" in which disputants fear that making the concessions necThis content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 624 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma essary for an agreement will make them appear weak to their opponent, increas the likelihood of exploitation. Mediators can promote settlements by allaying d putants' fears of exploitation and providing the political cover necessary for th parties to make the concessions necessary for agreement (Carnevale and C 2000). In this respect, third parties can play a powerful face-saving role for d putants that allows them to better "sell" an agreement to their domestic consti uents. Finally, mediators can serve as settlement innovators by recognizing o creating settlements that the disputants are unable to achieve on their own. A third party, for example, can provide resources to one or both of the disputants th makes an otherwise unacceptable settlement proposal acceptable. Mediation and negotiation agreements can vary in terms of the degree to whi they resolve all of the outstanding disputes between parties. Some agreements m be comprehensive, settling all of the issues of contention between the parties; others may be more narrowly focused upon a few areas of agreement while leaving oth disputed issues unsolved. Although these partial agreements do not solve all of t issues between disputants, they do have important effects upon the parties. Fir simply by reducing the number of disputed issues between the parties, parti agreements make future mediation and negotiation efforts more likely to be s cessful by reducing their complexity (Bercovitch and Langley 1993; Hopmann 1996).2 Second, previous agreements, even over a narrow range of issues, create a momentum for a further agreement such that agreements build upon o another as the disputants increasingly trust one another and become hopeful f further settlements (Zubek et al. 1992; Regan and Stam 2000; Greig 2001, 2005). both of these ways, mediation and negotiation efforts, even those confined t narrow range of issues, can assist in moving disputants from the limitation of their conflict toward the settlement of the issues under conflict. We test the ability mediation and negotiation efforts to yield these types of settlements, and ho peacekeeping enhances or detracts from those abilities. Competing Logics Early peacekeeping studies were predominantly atheoretical and largely descript treatments of single peacekeeping operations. The first systematic analyses focu on the ability of peacekeeping operations to prevent the renewal of armed conf (e.g., Diehl 1994; Bratt 1996). Peacekeeping was judged successful if the manda was fulfilled and/or war did not re-erupt or violent conflict was held to low lev following the deployment of a peacekeeping force. Several more recent studie have looked at the "duration of peace" as measured by the time from a stoppage fighting to the renewal of violence (Enterline and Kang 2003; Fortna 2004). Gen erally, much of this literature looks at how peacekeeping and other third par guarantees can help implement peace settlements (e.g., Walter 2002). Such wor tends to confound simple cease-fires with formal peace settlements, however, both are considered beginning points for measuring peace duration. At best, peace settlement is considered as an independent variable in the equation. The p sibility that comprehensive peace settlements, or indeed any future agreemen might follow from initial and limited cease-fires is not addressed.3 Do peacekeeping operations promote peace agreements and conflict resolutio Most prior work on peacekeeping does not address such questions (see even th 2 This may, however, reduce the potential for tradeoffs across issues. SOther studies focus on peacebuilding success by considering whether peacekeeping forces promote desirab outcomes beyond continued conflict abatement. Doyle and Sambanis (2000) look at how peacekeeping contrib to democratization and uncontested sovereignty, as well as reduced violence, following civil wars. Again, a sig treaty is an independent, not a dependent variable. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 625 collection by Woodhouse and Ramsbotham 2000).4 Peacekeeping operations and treaties are either considered joint independent variables on conflict, or peacekeeping sequentially follows a peace agreement. In effect, past peacekeepin research has looked at its effectiveness in the third (cease-fire) or fourth (post settlement) conflict phases, but has not examined how peacekeeping affects th transition between those phases. Peacekeeping essentially plays a conflict manage ment role in the third phase. Yet peacekeeping's conflict resolution impact cannot be determined directly because the typical peacekeeping operation does not have the mandate, resources, or elements necessary to promote conflict resolution (Johanse 1994); diplomatic efforts at peace settlements are usually enterprises separate from the peacekeeping effort.5 Still, peacekeeping may indirectly influence peacemakin efforts by altering the environment in which those efforts occur as well as th incentives of the disputing parties to reach a settlement. Unfortunately, there are two sets of competing logics on such effects, which we label as "optimistic and "pessimistic," and as yet little empirical evidence exists to indicate which i more accurate. The Logics of Optimism UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali (1995:45) has argued th pands the possibilities for ... the making of peace." Yet, th between peacekeeping and peacemaking is not transparent Nevertheless, several theoretical rationales can be found in the extensive literature on the conditions for international mediation and negotiation success, even though those studies do not generally address peacekeeping operations per se. One of the key factors thought to affect the success of mediation and negotiation attempts is the level of conflict between the disputants at the time of those efforts. Most peacekeeping operations have the limitation of armed conflict as one of their primary (or only) purposes. If they are successful in preventing the renewal of hostilities (i.e., actually keep the peace), peacekeeping operations create an environment in which the disputants are more likely to be open to diplomatic initiatives and to settle their differences. A series of studies in the conflict management literature have found that intense conflict between disputants undermines the prospects for mediation success (Kochan and Jick 1978; Brockner 1982; Kressel and Pruitt 1989; Bercovitch, Anagnoson, and Wille 1991; Pruitt and Carnevale 1993; Bercovitch 1997). By implication then, factors that lessen the intensity of that conflict contribute to peacemaking triumphs. There are several theoretical rationales why intense conflict is deleterious to mediation and negotiation, and why a cease-fire promotes the conditions under which mediators can facilitate an agreement between the opposing sides. First, a cooling off period, evidenced by a cease-fire, can lessen hostilities and build some trust between the protagonists. In times of armed conflict, leaders and domestic audiences become habituated to the conflict. They become psychologically committed to the conflict, and some segments of the population profit politically and economically from the fighting (Crocker, Hampson, and Aall 2004). Before diplomatic efforts can be successful, this process must be broken or interrupted, something that peacekeepers can assist with in maintaining a cease-fire. SMore theoretical studies possess a much broader view of conflict resolution, going beyond concerns with whether disputants can come to agreements or resolve competing preferences, but whether reconciliation or "transformation" between or within societies occurs (e.g., Fetherston 2000). Such conceptions of conflict resolution are much grander than employed here and more tenuously connected to peacekeeping efforts. Although a valid line of inquiry, such works tell us little about the ability of peacekeeping to facilitate peace agreements. Indeed, such agreements are prerequisites for the kind of reconciliation envisioned in those conceptions. STo the extent that peacekeepers conduct conflict resolution activities, they do so on the ground and at the micro-level (e.g., at a roadblock) rather than being directly involved in negotiations aimed at resolving macro issues in a dispute (see Wall, Druckman, and Diehl 2002). This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 626 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma Second, intense conflict puts domestic political constraints on leaders who migh otherwise be inclined to sign a peace agreement. Negotiating with the enemy ma have significant political costs during active hostilities. Calls for cease-fires or pauses in bombing attacks in order to promote negotiations and diplomatic efforts ar consistent with this underlying logic. Of course, this presumes that hostilities harden bargaining positions and attitudes, rather than leading to concessions by partie suffering significant costs (see the discussion of "hurting stalemates" below). Third, and from a somewhat different vantage point, active conflict leads decision maker to concentrate on those ongoing hostilities (a short-term concern), and therefore they will not place settlement issues (a longer-term concern) high on their agenda That is, during heightened armed conflict, political and diplomatic attention will b devoted to the conduct of the fighting and at best to immediate conflict manage ment issues such as securing a cease-fire. Fourth, that the international communit has provided peacekeepers signals to the disputants the willingness of the inter national community to commit additional resources to any settlement that would follow such a deployment. Traditional peacekeeping operations are most often put in place after a cease-fir has been achieved. The expectation of the optimists therefore would be that conflict settlements would be more likely after the imposition of those forces relative to other scenarios; this is essentially the assumption underlying Secretary-Genera Boutros-Ghali's (1995) proposals. Yet, an important caveat to this expectation is that diplomacy will fail if peacekeepers do not keep the peace; that is, the positiv spin-off effects of peacekeeping are predicated on cease-fires holding. We also analyze peacekeeping's effects on initiation of mediation and negotiation. The firs three logics above suggest that parties would be more willing to negotiate in the presence of peacekeeping, as well as more successful in those efforts. The final logic, based on signaling international commitment, is suggestive of more frequen mediation attempts by members of the global community, including by states an international organizations. Thus, peacekeeping should be associated with more frequent mediation and negotiation attempts as well as promoting a greater succes rate when they do occur. The empirical evidence evaluating the optimist position is limited. Traditional peacekeeping is generally successful in maintaining cease-fires (Diehl 1994). Yet, i a series of case studies, Diehl (1994) does not find peacekeeping to be followed quickly or frequently by diplomatic settlements, and he rejects the notion tha failure at conflict abatement is responsible for this. Sambanis (1999) accepts th argument that peacekeeping's ability to promote conflict resolution is heavily de pendent on how well the operation performs its mandate, including monitorin cease-fires. Yet, he concludes much depends on how the parties and the interna tional community react to the peacekeeping success or failure. For example, failur to maintain the cease-fire may redouble international efforts to resolve the conflict. Similarly, success in conflict abatement may change the preferences of the protag onists, build trust between them, and make them more amenable to a settlement. Both of these studies, however, are small N studies, and rely heavily on a singl peacekeeping case, Cyprus, in an attempt to draw generalizations. Overall, the optimistic position is based on a logic derived from studies of mediation and negotiation, with some potential applications to peacekeeping's impac on the diplomatic environment. Limited research on its predictions is not supportive of its contentions. More developed and compelling theoretical logic perhaps found in the pessimistic position. The Logics of Pessimism At the other end of the spectrum are theoretical logics positing a negative effec of peacekeeping operations on peacemaking initiatives. There are two primary This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 627 positions, those based on rational choice and "hurting stalemates," respecti Although they differ in a number of ways, both rely on peacekeeping's achievem ofa cease-fire and both share the same pessimistic prediction that peacekeepin make conflict resolution efforts less successful. In some rational choice conceptions, war and other militarized competitions are essentially information problems. War begins because there is some uncertainty about the outcome of a confrontation between disputants. Under conditions of perfect information, disputants would come to an agreement ex ante, and therefore not incur the costs of competition. Cetinyan (2002), for example, argues that bargaining breakdown in ethnic conflicts occurs because of the problems of information and commitments, not capability differences between the parties. Fighting provides each side with information about capabilities and resolve such that they can predict likely outcomes of future confrontations; war ends when the two sides have clear information about those outcomes (Fearon 1995; Wagner 2000; see also Reiter 2003).6 Peacekeeping interrupts this information flow and thereby leaves some uncertainty as to which side might prevail if armed hostilities would resume. Thus, peacekeepers prevent the transmission of information necessary for the parties to settle. Rational choice theorists might predict that the introduction of peacekeeping forces limits the effectiveness of diplomatic efforts, given that uncertainty still exists about future outcomes. Thus, peacekeeping should be negatively associated with diplomatic success. Peacekeeping operations that fail in maintaining cease-fires therefore may produce positive spillover effects on mediation and negotiation efforts; fighting renews the flow of information about capabilities and resolve to the participants. Peacekeeping should not necessarily be an absolute barrier to diplomatic settlement according to the rational choice perspective. Mediators may be able to provide necessary information to the participants, if those third parties possess such information and are regarded as credible by the disputants (Smith and Stam 2003). Thus, one might expect that the negative relationship between peacekeeping and peacemaking would be more muted for mediation than for negotiation, the latter of which only involves the primary parties. Yet, even for mediation, disputants must agree that each can do better by participating in mediation than by relying upon a unilateral effort to impose a settlement upon one another (Princen 1992). To the extent to which peacekeeping limits the likelihood that this perception will develop among disputants, it will undermine settlement of the issues between them. Peacekeeping reduces the likelihood of negotiation between the disputants for the same reason it reduces the likelihood of success, because it limits information available to the disputants. This reduction would decrease the willingness of either side to initiate negotiations for fear that this would signal weakness to the opposing side. Conversely, peacekeeping could increase the likelihood of mediation between disputants. Mediation is often proposed by a third-party. As a result, accepting the proposal of a third party for mediation does not signal potential weakness that unilaterally calling for negotiations does. In addition, the presence of peacekeeping forces can provide information about the conflict and prospects for its resolution to third parties, increasing their willingness to intervene diplomatically. Peacekeeping forces are usually put in place following a cease-fire agreed to by all major disputing parties. Might this indicate that the parties have reached a stage in the conflict at which enough information about outcomes has been gathered and " Smith and Stam (2003) explore peacekeeping and mediation from a rational choice perspective, but they do not consider how the two factors affect one another and largely conclude that peacekeeping can contribute to peace settlements as guarantors of those settlements rather than as facilitators of any agreement. At best, they argue that peacekeepers reduce the probability that one side or the other can win the next battle. 7 Of course, peacekeeping also prevents outright victory by one side, something also alleged to resolve the dispute (Luttwak 2001). This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 628 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma they are ready to settle? Although this is possible, it is unlikely in practice. Cea fires often occur for many reasons (e.g., a chance to rearm and reorganize, f reputational purposes, or in response to domestic public opinion) that are unr lated to uncertainty about future outcomes or even a desire for settlement (Prin 1992; Richmond 1998). Furthermore, ifcease-fires always indicated a willingness settle a conflict, then they would be immediately followed by peace agreements. fact, fighting often returns after a cease-fire and even those that do hold linger for long periods without a substantive agreement on the issues under dispute. Fur thermore, if the war or rivalry had indeed run its course, then a cease-fire ( definition something temporary) would not be necessary as the parties would merely withdraw their forces and settle. From a rational choice perspective then cease-fire is indicative of an interrupted process of information gathering, short of the conflict's normal conclusion. A variation of the pessimistic view, but with the same conclusion about the deleterious effects of peacekeeping, is rooted in Zartman's (1985, 2000) notion of hurting stalemate. A hurting stalemate occurs when opponents have reached an impasse in their conflict such that neither is likely to prevail or achieve their goals through force. This is related to the rational choice formulations concerning expectations about future outcomes; yet, parties have to recognize that neither side can win and this is only a necessary, not sufficient, condition for settlement. Stalemate must also be costly for the disputants. Intense conflict can be the mechanism by which some costs are imposed, with casualties and resources devoted to the conflict inducing costs upon both parties. Under these conditions, the disputants will look for a way out of their stalemate and thereby be open to attempts to settle their differences (Young 1967; Holbrooke 1998; Greig 2001). Peacekeeping operations may lessen the "ripeness" for conflict resolution by diminishing the chances for a hurting stalemate. By limiting armed conflict, peacekeeping may decrease the costs to all sides in the dispute. Thus, without ongoing costs in terms of lives or military resources, disputants may harden their bargaining positions and be resistant to diplomatic efforts. Peacekeeping might also lessen the time pressure on the disputants (Diehl 1994). Mediation studies have consistently found that deadline pressures are more likely to lead to settlements. Peacekeeping operations de facto have no explicit deadlines and therefore disputants may feel little need to settle, hoping for better terms of settlement later.8 Peacekeeping would seem to have effects mostly on the cost side of the hurting stalemate equation. A cease-fire successfully monitored by peacekeepers might at first glance seem to facilitate a stalemate; yet, this depends significantly on which side (if either) benefits from a freezing of the status quo. The hurting stalemate model produces similar predictions to the rational choice perspective, albeit with a different underlying logic: Peacekeeping operations should be associated with diplomatic failure. Hurting stalemates would also seem to come later in a conflict (although not always), after costs accumulate, and therefore peacekeepers would appear to produce more deleterious effects when deployed early in a conflict as opposed to later. Of course, a critic might argue the opposite: Disputants involved in conflicts that persist over a sustained period of time are likely to develop significant levels of hostility toward one another that are likely to hinder conflict management efforts. The absence of time pressure and costs might also make disputants less willing to initiate negotiations. Similarly, although the international community may bear some costs associated with peacekeeping deployment, third parties may view a situation stabilized by peacekeepers as lacking SAlthough peacekeeping forces are typically authorized for six-month periods, renewals are regularly approved. Therefore, disputants can reasonably expect that peacekeeping operations will continue beyond each 6-month period, and therefore do not fear an imminent resumption of hostilities that might make them more open to settlement. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 629 TABLE 1. Summary of Theoretical Expectations Logics Variations Peacekeeping Effects Expectations Optimistic 1. Promotes cooling-off period 1. Mediation and negotiation more likely 2. Reduces leader constraint 2. Settlement more likely 3. Focuses attention on long- 3. Failed peacekeeping will term issues not promote settlement 4. Signals global commitment Pessimistic Rational choice 1. Interrupts information flow 1. Negotiation less likely, to disputants mediation more likely 2. Settlement less likely 3. Failed peacekeeping may promote settlement 4. Greater negative effect on negotiation than mediation Hurting stalemate 1. Decreases costs to 1. Negotiation and mediation disputants less likely 2. Lessens time pressures 2. Settlement less likely 3. Early peacekeeping is worse than later peacekeeping urgency and one in which negative externalities are less likely; thus, one might also predict fewer mediation efforts. Diehl's (1994) case studies produce findings consistent with the pessimistic view, but there are no studies to our knowledge that specifically test the propositions noted above. One problem with rational choice research is that it tends to conflate war termination with conflict resolution. The end of a war does not necessarily settle issues in dispute between states, evidenced by the continuation of rivalries and the initiation of new wars in the future. In addition, studies of ripeness and hurting stalemates have suffered from post hoc tautologies ("if there was no settlement, then the situation was not ripe...") that are impossible to test empirically (Kleiboer 1994). Overall, there are theoretical logics that connect peacekeeping to peacemaking. The problem is that the logics are competing, suggesting dramatically different relationships and policy implications--see Table 1. Further complicating this is the very limited empirical evidence available to sort out such competing claims. We hope to fill that gap below. Research Design In testing the different views of peacekeeping and peacemaking, we must look for the confluence of peacekeeping operations with instances of diplomatic success and failure. Because they do not exist in situations of low conflict, a necessary first step is the identification of a suitable set of conflicts in which peacekeeping and peace initiatives are likely to occur. Once we establish the set of conflicts we will examine, we can then determine which of those involved the deployment of peacekeeping troops and whether diplomatic initiatives were successful, controlling for all other factors associated with peacemaking success. We consider both cases of interstate and civil conflict. Cases of Interstate Conflict The analysis of interstate conflicts covers the temporal domain from 1946 to 1996 and examines the population of enduring rivalries that begin after 1945. Enduring rivalries are pairs of states that experience at least six militarized disputes over a This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 630 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma twenty or more year time frame (data taken from Diehl and Goertz 2000).2 For eight rivalries occur during this period; examples include India-Pakistan a rivalries between Israel and several of its Arab neighbors. Enduring rivalries re resent a suitable context to examine the impact of peacekeeping on peacemakin Such rivalries are the most dangerous conflicts, representing over half of the fu scale interstate wars and an equal proportion of lesser conflicts in the internatio system (Diehl and Goertz 2000). Thus, there is great policy significance to unde standing how to manage and resolve such conflicts. Furthermore, because of th significance, they also attract a disproportionate number of diplomatic initiatives by third parties (Bercovitch and Diehl 1997). By definition, however, enduring rivalries persist despite diplomatic attempts end them. Thus, enduring rivalries are "hard cases" for peacekeeping operatio and international diplomats, even as they are vitally important to world peace. W might be accused of setting up the study so as to make a "pessimistic" conclusi We have several responses. First, if enduring rivalries are difficult to settle, th should be so whether peacekeeping forces are in place or not. If anything, the r is that null findings occur rather than those favoring either viewpoint. Secon expanding the set of interstate conflicts beyond enduring rivalries is unsatisfactory Gilligan and Stedman (2003) note that peacekeeping is more likely under cond tions of severe conflict. Similarly, we find that most UN peacekeeping operations in interstate conflicts are sent to enduring rivalries. We reran all our analyses look at lesser conflicts (proto-rivalries-see Diehl and Goertz 2000). Yet, among t several hundred more rivalries examined, only two had peacekeeping operatio mediation and negotiation attempts are also less frequent. Thus, the net effect adding these cases is an explosion of "no treatment, no effect" cases that wash o any significant results. Accordingly, we confine our analysis to enduring rivalri Cases of Civil Conflict As a second line of analysis, we also examine peacekeeping within civil conflic The temporal domain for the civil war analysis extends from 1946 to 1999. In constructing our analysis of peacekeeping within intrastate conflicts, we use d from Regan's (2002) intrastate conflict data set. Unlike the Correlates of War d set, which employs a more restrictive 1000 battle deaths per conflict, Regan defines a civil war as involving combat between two organized groups in which at least deaths occurred. By using an aggregate count of civil war deaths, Reagan's codi of civil war includes a conflict as ongoing even in years in which the number o deaths dips below the 1000 battle-death threshold established by COW. In Regan data, intrastate conflict terminates when a settlement is reached between the parties and 6 months without reciprocated violence between the parties elapse. Diplomatic Attempts and Success In order to understand whether peacekeeping operations promote peacemakin we need to consider attempts to make peace between the disputants. Peacekeepi operations cannot magically produce peaceful relations, but must rely on explic supplemental efforts at diplomacy. Accordingly, we use Bercovitch's (1999) Inte national Conflict Management (ICM) data set to identify both interstate and i trastate mediation and negotiation attempts. Because of their significan differences, we conduct separate analyses of interstate and intrastate conflict. W also conduct separate analyses of the factors that promote successful mediation a 9 The Diehl and Goertz (2000) list only extends through 1992. We extended their list through 1996, using th same operational criteria for enduring rivalry and using dispute data firom the latest version of the Militari Dispute Data set, version 3.0 ((http://cow2.1a.psu.edui/COW220Data/MIDs/MID302.html)) 2005, March 2. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 631 those that promote successful negotiation, taking into account the differences between the two techniques noted above. For example, we anticipate that some characteristics of the third party and its relationship with the disputants will impact the outcome of mediation. Because mediation attempts and negotiations are not randomly distributed in the international system, one runs the risk of a significant "selection" effect (e.g., me diation attempts may occur in conflicts in which they are most or least prone to be successful). To adjust for this bias, we estimate maximum likelihood models with controls for selection. These models are estimated in two stages. In the first stage the models estimate the likelihood that a mediation or negotiation, respectively, will take place in any given month. The results from the first stage models are then incorporated into the second stage models that estimate the likelihood of mediation and negotiation success. This approach carries two primary benefits for our analysis. First, it provides a means of measuring and controlling for the statistical bia present in the selection of cases for mediation and negotiation. Second, and more importantly, the results from the first stage model enable us to understand the relationship between peacekeeping and the occurrence of mediation and negotiation. We recognize that there is an inherent selection effect already operating when we limit our spatial domain to enduring rivalries and civil wars. Enduring rivalries are more prone than other conflicts to attract diplomatic initiatives (Bercovitch and Diehl 1997). Similarly, civil wars represent conflicts in which the outbreak of violence has already taken place, making them different from potential conflicts in which significant hostility between two disputing parties exists but has yet to boil over into violence. Still, even within enduring rivalries and civil wars, there are variations in the competitions and conditions under which mediation and negotiation are most likely to be successful. The unit of analysis for the selection portion of the mediation and negotiation analyses is the rivalry-month in the interstate analysis and the civil war-month in the intrastate analysis. Our analysis includes a total of 18,020 rivalry-months and 12,648 civil war-months. Because of the structure of our dependent variable an the need to control for selection bias, in months in which multiple mediations or negotiations occur, we aggregate these mediation efforts.'0 This procedure yields a total of 275 mediations among 24 enduring rivalries in the interstate analysis and total of 436 cases of mediation across 40 civil wars. We adopt a similar procedure t identify cases of negotiations in the ICM data set. Aggregating these negotiations by the month results in a data set of 325 negotiations across 28 enduring rivalries an 221 cases of negotiations within 36 civil wars. In the interstate analysis, the 275 cases of mediation comprise the units of analysis for the mediation outcome analysis an the 325 cases of rivalry negotiation are the units of analysis for the negotiation outcome analysis. In the civil war analysis, the 436 cases of mediation and the 221 cases of negotiation are, respectively, the units of analysis for the mediation and negotiation outcome analyses. In examining the effect of peacekeeping on mediation and negotiation, we focus upon the immediate outcome of the conflict management efforts themselves. Th Bercovitch (1999) ICM dataset identifies four types of mediation and negotiation outcomes: full settlement, partial settlement, cease-fires, and failures. Because peacekeeping missions, almost by definition, are oriented toward fostering and implementing a cease-fire, we argue that mediation and negotiation efforts that follow peacekeeping, in order to be considered successful, must move beyond 10 Because our analysis depends upon a selection bias control, it is necessary for us to predict which rivalrymonths and which civil war-months are the most likely to attract mediation and negotiation. As a result, our unit of analysis is the rivalry-month in the interstate analysis and the civil war-month in the intrastate analysis. In months in which we aggregate multiple mediations or negotiations we include the count of the aggregated mediations or aggregated negotiations into the total mediations and total negotiations attempted variables. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 632 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma cease-fires and stimulate either partial or full settlement between the disputants traditional peacekeeping operations here helped facilitate a cease-fire agreement, means the operation failed to maintain the initial stability and a new cease-fire only returns the status quo at the time of initial deployment, hardly an indicator peacemaking. To consider cease-fires otherwise would lead an analyst to code lar numbers of conflict management successes in Bosnia, for example, where ceas fires were repeatedly broken and then reestablished. In this study, we are on concerned with success as defined by a peacekeeping operation's ability to promo a settlement. A peacekeeping operation may fail at this task, but nevertheless b successful along other dimensions, such as maintaining a cease-fire or improvin the lives of the local population in the area of deployment. As a first cut of the analysis, we code mediation and negotiation outcomes as f settlements, partial settlements, or failures. We estimate ordered probit selecti models for mediation and negotiation in LIMDEP 8. Ordered probit mode however, rest upon the assumption that a one-unit transition is equivalent at a point in the scale of the dependent variable. In our study this means that ordered probit model assumes that the transition from a failure to a partial agr ment is equivalent to a transition from a partial agreement to a full agreeme Because we are cognizant of the possibility that peacekeeping may not necessar affect the likelihood of transitions in the way an ordered probit model suggests, as second cut of the analysis we estimate probit models for mediation and negotiat agreements. In the interstate analysis the dependent variable is coded "1" if a f settlement is achieved and is coded "0" otherwise. This also provides a more str gent test for the effect of peacekeeping on peacemaking: Success is measured only if peacekeeping promotes a broad settlement of issues between disputants. In th intrastate analysis, because of the rarity of full agreements, we were forced to adop an alternative approach.1' The dependent variable was coded "1" if either a full partial agreement took place and is coded "0" otherwise. These analyses are pe formed in STATA 8. Identifying Peacekeeping Operations At each month in the database, we code whether or not a UN peacekeeping mission was ongoing. We identified the beginning and ending dates of UN peacekeeping missions from the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations website.'2 There are 11 peacekeeping operations that have been deployed during all or part of 10 different rivalries. Note that some rivalries had more than one peacekeeping operation deployed during its existence (e.g., UNEF I and II during parts of th Israel-Egypt rivalry) and some peacekeeping operations affect more than one ri valry simultaneously (e.g., the UNFICYP operation vis-a-vis Turkey's rivalries with Greece and Cyprus, respectively). Among the 150 civil wars in the analysis, 22 attracted UN peacekeeping forces. Other Variables Because other factors besides the presence of peacekeeping forces impact the like lihood and outcomes of mediation attempts and negotiations, we also include sev" Among the civil wars in our study there were only three cases of full agreement through negotiation and only 14 cases of full agreement through mediation. 12 (, March 2. Our ficus is limited to UN operations, but there are few operations conducted by other entities in the time period under study. Several such operations also are closer to military interventions (e.g., Indian intervention in Sri Lanka) or occurred after a settlement (e.g., NATO in Bosnia) and therefore do not have a traditional peacekeeping mission and are unsuitable for assessing peacemakin effects. In at least one case (the OAU mission in Chad), the organization was very weak. By focusing on UN missions, we looked at purer peacekeeping missions and those best equipped to carry out traditional peacekeeping duties, providing a basis for assessing peacemaking effects under the best peacekeeping conditions. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 633 eral additional variables. These variables are necessary in order to test expect derived from the different theoretical logics. Other factors are included as contr having been identified in past research as important influences on negotiatio mediation. In general, the selection of the variables for the interstate and intras analyses was driven by similar theoretical logics. Because of the differences betw the types of conflicts and data availability, however, there are some differ across the interstate and intrastate analyses. One variable for the interstate analyses with potentially significant implic for our understanding of the peacekeeping effect is the presence of an on militarized dispute (Jones, Bremer, and Singer 1996) in the month under scr Such a dispute after a peacekeeping operation has been deployed may indicat the operation has failed in its basic mission of keeping the cease-fire. Altho militarized dispute does not always indicate that the cease-fire has been brok does show that at least one of the disputants is threatening, displaying, or military force, something that the peacekeeping operation was supposed t courage. If an ongoing dispute is positively associated with diplomatic succ suggests that conflict abatement by the peacekeepers may inhibit conflict r tion-a result consistent with the arguments of the peacekeeping pessimist opposite is postulated by the optimists. Thus, we test for the effect of an o militarized conflict and construct an interactive term to identify situations in w peacekeeping troops are present, but fail to prevent or deter armed conflic fortunately, there is no equivalent for civil wars, as there are no data availab provide point specific (in a particular month) estimates of the level of fighti We also assess the impact of the timing of diplomatic attempts upon the lihood of mediation and negotiation and their success by including a varia scribing the elapsed time between the beginning of conflict and the current con management effort. In the rivalry analysis, this variable is measured as the num of months between the beginning of the rivalry and the current conflict m ment attempt. In the civil war analysis, this variable is measured as the num months between the beginning of the civil war and the current mediation gotiation effort. In the hurting stalemate model, the expectation was that the lo conflicts persist across time, the more they generate high costs for dispu and therefore, diplomatic efforts would be more successful. As a further t also created an interaction term between peacekeeping and the timing var in order to test one of the expectations of the hurting stalemate model, t earlier peacekeeping operations were more damaging than later ones to con resolution efforts. The literature on hurting stalemates and ripeness in general (Touval and Zartman 1989; Kleiboer 1994; Mitchell 1995; Zartman 2000) has pointed to several contextual factors that create a greater opportunity for successful conflict management. We include these as necessary control variables, but they also allow us to assess the hurting stalemate logic more broadly, even if these elements do not relate to peacekeeping. The key factors identified relate to the intensity, outcomes, and duration of conflict, the distribution of power between disputants, and the occurrence of political shifts as key forces that influence the prospects for mediation success. Greig (2001) found that among enduring rivals mediation is most likely to be successful as the severity of previous conflict increases and as the percentage of disputes ending in stalemate increases. As a result, we include variables in the models describing the average severity level of previous disputes and the percentage of disputes ending in stalemate. We use severity score data from Diehl and Goertz (2000) to calculate the average severity scores of previous rivalry disputes. Diehl and Goertz calculate their measure of dispute severity as a term that incorporates measures of the highest level of hostility experienced during the dispute and the total number of military fatalities in the dispute into a scale that ranges from 0 to 200. The level of previously stalemated disputes is calculated by This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 634 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma measuring the percentage of previous rivalry disputes that ended in stalemate. These data are calculated using the dispute outcome variable in the MID 3.0 data set (Jones, Bremer, and Singer 1996).13 For robustness, we also include an interaction term in the intrastate analysis between the average number of casualties and the elapsed duration of the civil war; this creates a measure of the sustained costs and pain experienced by disputants in civil wars. Relevant control variables in the literature on conflict management include features of the diplomatic efforts themselves. Mediation attempts are not independen of one another, with respect to conditioning successful outcomes. Mediation is more likely to be successful as the parties build a relationship between themselves and the mediator (Rubin 1992; Kelman 1996; Lederach 1997). We include a variable describing the number of previous mediations with the same mediator. In addition because a mediation attempt can have a cumulative impact as part of a broader process, we include a variable counting the total number of previous mediation attempts that have occurred between the disputants. Because focused mediation efforts are often more successful, we also include a variable that describes the number of mediations taking place during an individual dispute between rivals. Similarly, because continued negotiations between disputants can help to facilitate a relationship between disputants and make them more amenable to agreement, we include a variable describing the number of previous negotiations between the disputants. Inclusion of these variables, albeit imperfectly, also serves to control for the non-independence of mediation and negotiation efforts in the lifetime of a rivalry. Data for each of these variables are taken from the Bercovitch (1999) ICM data set. The characteristics of the mediator and the negotiators can also have an important impact upon the prospects for successful mediation (Bercovitch and Houston 1993). Negotiations conducted by state leaders themselves can signal a greater commitment to conflict management among disputants, possibly increasing the prospects for negotiation success. State leaders are much better equipped to make difficult bargaining choices than lower-level diplomats. Similarly, mediation efforts that are initiated by disputants themselves may signal an increased willingness to compromise among disputants, increasing the likelihood of successful mediation between them. As a result, we create dichotomous variables from the Bercovitch (1999) ICM data set that describe whether disputants initiate mediation and whether state leaders conduct negotiations themselves. Although the characteristics of mediation and negotiation efforts are important, such efforts do not take place in a vacuum. The context under which conflict management takes place also plays an important role in the prospects for mediation and negotiation success. The type of issue under dispute, for example, tends to impact the prospects for reaching an agreement. Tangible issues, because of their increased divisibility, tend to be more amenable to agreements through mediation and negotiation than non-tangible issues (Brams and Taylor 1996). Similarly, as the complexity of the issues under dispute increases, the complexity of the negotiations or mediations surrounding them also increases, undermining the prospects of success. In order to control for this effect on the likelihood of successful mediation and negotiation, we included a dichotomous variable in the model that describes whether or not the issues under dispute are tangible. This variable is taken from the Bercovitch (1999) ICM data set. We also include a complexity variable in the model that describes the number of issues under dispute within the rivalry. This variable ranges from one to three and is drawn from the ICM data set. Following a similar logic, we also control for the type of conflict in the civil war analysis by creating a dichotomous variable that describes whether or not the civil war was centered on 13 ( 2005, March 2. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 635 ethno-religious or ideological issues. Regan (2002) finds that ethno-r wars tend to have longer durations than ideological conflicts, perhaps third parties that they will be more resistant to conflict management ologically driven conflicts, by contrast, because of the role of ideology the Cold War, may be more likely to actually attract mediation effor gan's data, civil wars in which the primary issue was ethnic or religious ar "1",, and "0" if centered around ideology. The international conflict literature has also underscored the impor litical changes in promoting conflict management success among end Diehl and Goertz (2000), for example, emphasize the stasis in policies characterize enduring rivals. Because these policies become deeply among enduring rivals, they become difficult to change (Hensel 199 Lewis (1996) and Greig (2001) each argue that regime changes can crea opportunity for successful conflict management as new leadership open to successful conflict management initiatives. To capture this effect, dichotomous variable that describes whether a polity change has taken at least one of the enduring rivals within the last 24 months using d Polity 98D data set (Gleditsch 2000). Beyond polity changes, we also a high levels of democracy will make states more receptive to mediatio tiation and increase the chances for success. As a result, we include a v model that describes the democracy score for the least democratic state in (Dixon 1993).14 This variable is calculated by subtracting the autocrac the democracy score present for each state in the Polity 98D data set. wars, by definition, are often efforts to achieve this form of political ch not include this variable in the civil war analysis. Because we anticipate that the occurrence of mediation and negotiat more likely to take place when they are most likely to be successful, the variables described above are also included in the selection models for mediation and negotiation. Beyond these factors, however, we also control for other factors that the literature has suggested influence the likelihood that mediation and negotiation will take place. Previous war between enduring rivals seems to make them more likely to engage in mediation, perhaps out of a fear that such a war will recur unless steps toward conflict management are taken, and we include a variable reflecting this. We also include a control variable in the selection models that describes whether or not a major power is involved in the rivalry. Because major powers are less likely to be influenced by the bargaining incentives that mediators often bring to the table and are more likely to seek to maintain their freedom of action in their foreign policies than smaller powers, we expect that mediation and negotiation will be less likely to take place among enduring rivalries containing a major power. Finally, we include a measure of the level of ethnic homogeneity of the society in the selection equation of the civil war analysis. These data are taken from Regan (2002) and measure the percentage of the nation's population in the largest ethnic group. Regan finds some evidence to suggest that high levels of ethnic fractionalization may make civil conflicts last longer. If this result is true, it is possible to envision two distinct effects of high levels of ethnic fractionalization upon the occurrence of conflict management. First, ethnic fractionalization may dissuade third parties from intervening because of the difficulty of reaching a settlement in such an intractable conflict. Yet, the danger posed by conflicts with high levels of 14 For robustness, we also tested other ways of measuring democracy among enduring rivals by calculating the joint democracy score of the dyad and by creating a dichotomous joint democracy variable. Neither variable substantively changed the results of the analysis. We believe that using the smallest democracy score within the dyad makes the most sense theoretically because it does not allow a high score for one state to outweigh a low score for another state as ajoint score does, and it does not require an arbitrary threshold like a dichotomous variable does. As a result, we report the results with the smallest democracy variable. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 636 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma fractionalization may also push the parties to engage in conflict management order to avoid an extended conflict. Empirical Results In gauging the impact of peacekeeping on peacemaking, we must ascertain whether peacekeeping deployment affects the likelihood that mediation an gotiation will be attempted. Then, we can assess peacekeeping's impact o success of those efforts. The Impact of Peacekeeping on Diplomatic Initiatives The bottom half of Table 2 lists the results of the ordered probit models with selection controls for enduring rivalries. For both mediation and negotiation, the TABLE2. Ordered Probit Model with Selection--Enduring Rivalries Mediation Negotiation Coefficient SE Coefficient SE Outcome Ongoing militarized dispute 0.425*** 0.155 0.018 0.085 Number of previous rivalry negotiations - 0.024 0.018 - 0.008 0.016 Lowest rival democracy score 0.022 0.016 - 0.026 0.02 Average rivalry dispute severity - 0.008** 0.003 0.004 0.007 Percentage of previous disputes ending in - 0.015*** 0.003 0.002 0.007 stalemate Elapsed rivalry time (in months) - 0.004*** 0.001 0.0001 0.002 Recent polity change (within 24 months) - 0.184 0.163 0.479** 0.203 Number of previous rivalry mediations 0.043*** 0.009 - 0.001 0.015 Tangible issue under dispute 0.596*** 0.186 0.073 0.139 Disputant initiated conflict mgmt 0.244 0.216 0.112 0.214 Level of complexity of negotiations - 0.117 0.114 - 0.236** 0.13 Negotiations conducted by state leaders 0.37** 0.202 Number of previous mediations (current dispute) - 0.054 0.048 Number of mediations by same mediator 0.079** 0.045 Ongoing peacekeeping - 0.339* 0.195 - 0.107 0.374 Selection Previous rivalry war 0.896*** 0.095 0.154*** 0.039 Ongoing militarized dispute 0.687*** 0.054 - 0.132*** 0.038 Lowest rival democracy score 0.002*** 0.0002 0.003 0.005 Average rivalry dispute severity - 0.014"** 0.001 - 0.011"** 0.001 Percentage of previous disputes ending in stalemate - 0.01"** 0.001 - 0.011"** Rivalry contains major power - 0.0004 0.015 - 0.0003 0.015 Elapsed rivalry time (in months) - 0.005*** 0.0002 - 0.004*** 0.0002 Recent polity change (within 24 months) - 0.114** 0.052 - 0.236*** 0.054 Number of previous rivalry mediations 0.053*** 0.003 0.02*** 0.003 Number of previous rivalry negotiations - 0.013*** 0.004 0.035*** 0.001 Ongoing peacekeeping - 0.531*** 0.084 - 0.296*** 0.095 p 0.827*** 0.114 - 0.243 0.555 N 18,020 18,020 Uncensored observations 274 324 Log-likelihood - 1645.091 - 2062.083 Chi-square 10.630 .207 Prob > chi-square 0.001 .649 ***p<.01, **p<.05,*p<.1O; two-tailed test. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 637 selection models largely perform as the conflict management literature, an focusing on hurting stalemates in particular, suggests. Factors such as high levels previous dispute severity, frequently stalemated disputes, or a long rivalry durat that engenders intense hostility between disputants, all dampen the occurre both mediation and negotiation. Factors that signal a more focused danger t rivals, such as a previous war or a currently ongoing militarized dispute, how both significantly increase the likelihood that mediation and negotiation wi place. In this respect, the perception of a conflict precipice among enduri valries pushes them toward conflict management while the hostility creat previous conflicts drives them away from conflict management. This is b consistent with the pessimistic logic in which it is the most conflictual even drive disputants toward mediation and negotiation. Although a well-specified selection model is important statistically for subseque analysis of peacemaking success, we are also concerned with the substantive of peacekeeping on the initiation of mediation and negotiation. The presen peacekeeping forces provides the sharpest reduction in the likelihoo mediation or negotiation will take place of any of the variables in the mo This is consistent with the pessimistic position, especially the hurting sta variation. The pessimistic logic also suggests that the presence of an ongoing mil dispute may have desirable peacemaking consequences. That such disp positively associated with mediation occurrence, although the opposite is t negotiation,5" suggests at least in part that the international community likely to respond to crisis situations than those that have been pacified. ongoing militarized dispute may have occurred when peacekeeping forces w present. To identify situations in which a peacekeeping force failed to k peace, we reran the analysis with an interaction term (peacekeeping*ongoi pute) to capture the conflict abatement failure of that force. Although th terms remain largely the same, the interaction term is significant and negativ both mediation and negotiation) indicating that peacekeeping failure dep conflict management efforts. When a new dispute breaks out, third parties disputants themselves apparently become soured on conflict resolution eff are less willing to entertain new peace initiatives. The results are considerably less dramatic for civil wars, as evidenced bottom portion of Table 3. The coefficient for the peacekeeping variable is with respect to mediation and negative with respect to negotiations; yet, n statistically significant, although both are close to the standard .05 level. erage casualties variable captures the overall intensity of a civil war. As this in mounts, negotiation and mediation become less likely. Yet, this relationship doe tell the full story, the notion of "hurting stalemate" involves elements of both and time--participants must pay high costs, which accumulate over time a needs to be recognition that an easy victory is not imminent. This is better cap by our interaction term of casualties and elapsed time for the civil war casualtiesselapsed time). When a hurting stalemate is present, consistent w pessimistic argument described above, both the international community warring parties are more open to peace initiatives. Although the initial results on diplomatic initiatives are somewhat differ enduring rivalries and civil wars, there is one strong similarity. We reran yses with an interaction term of peacekeeping and casualties to again capt uations in which peacekeepers were ineffective in their primary mi 15 We are uncertain why the coefficient is negative for negotiations here, and positive in the selection Table 4, which focuses on full agreement. This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 638 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma TABLE3. Ordered Probit Model with Selection--Civil Wars Mediation Negotiation Coefficient SE Coefficient SE Outcome Average casualties*elapsed time - 0.001 0.001 0.0002 0.001 Average casualties per month 0.004 0.004 - 0.001 0.004 Elapsed time 0.256*** 0.097 - 0.283** 0.14 Tangible issue - 0.411** 0.175 0.043 0.217 Disputant initiated conflict management 0.544*** 0.159 - 0.261 0.172 Issue complexity - 0.081 0.133 - 0.369 0.123 Mediation by state leader 0.113 0.183 Negotiations conducted by state leaders - 0.24 0.213 Number of previous negotiations 0.003 0.017 0.083** 0.02 Number of previous mediations - 0.023*** 0.007 - 0.0004*** 0.008 Previous mediations by same mediator 0.025 0.046 Peacekeeping 0.218 0.216 - 0.048 0.333 Previous agreement 0.021 0.131 0.2 0.177 Ethno-religious conflict 0.317** 0.161 - 0.364 0.21 Selection Average casualties*elapsed time 0.002*** .0002 0.002*** .0002 Average casualties per month - 0.011*** 0.001 - 0.007*** 0.001 Elapsed time - 0.382*** 0.025 - 0.457*** 0.034 Number of previous mediations 0.01*** 0.003 - 0.002*** 0.003 Number of previous negotiations 0.001 0.007 0.102*** 0.009 Peacekeeping 0.122 0.084 - 0.293 0.11 Number of previous agreements 0.118*** 0.016 - 0.054** 0.018 Ethnic homogeneity - 0.005*** 0.001 - 0.009*** 0.001 Ethno-religious conflict - 0.182*** 0.053 - 0.244* 0.072 P - 0.552 0.663 N 12,648 12,648 Uncensored observations 436 221 Log-likelihood - 1962.155 - 1212.197 Chi-square 3.882 0.603 Prob > chi-square 0.048 0.437 ***p < .01, **p < .05, *p<.10; two-tailed test. supervising cease-fires. As with endu keep the peace, both mediation and n respect, rather than just impacting th putants, peacekeeping, when it fails, both disputants and potential third p tiation. This suggests that failed peac than letting the conflict continue--w the theoretical approaches anticipate t anticipate negative effects from ongo distinguish between violent conflict h that occurring in its absence. Similar expectations for why ongoing violenc less why this should be evident when The results on diplomatic initiation than optimistic ones, albeit the result wars. The hurting stalemate model i anticipating decreased efforts at nego has a negative effect on all diplomat This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 639 expected. This result underscores the interconnectedness of different conflict management tools and highlights the importance of studying the effect that one type of conflict management effort exerts upon another, a focus that remains rare within the existing conflict management literature. The Impact of Peacekeeping on Peacemaking Success Although peacekeeping may reduce the likelihood of mediation and negotiation in some circumstances, it is still possible that peacekeeping forces will promote the achievement of an agreement between the parties when such conflict management efforts do occur. Our findings, however, are not consistent with this optimistic expectation. Across the ordered probit models of mediation and negotiation success in the top halves of Tables 2 and 3, peacekeeping operations are at best weakly related to the prospects for successful conflict management. In fact, the only statistically significant term (peacekeeping's effect on mediation success among enduring rivalries) is negative, indicating the peacekeepers on the ground inhibit diplomatic success. Furthermore, an ongoing militarized dispute is associated with mediation success in enduring rivalries, again suggesting that not limiting the pressure of imminent conflict may have positive diplomatic benefits. Still, in subsequent analyses, the interaction term of peacekeeping and ongoing dispute had a negative impact, suggesting once again that failing to keep the peace has deleterious effects beyond the loss of life involved in the violence and overcomes any benefits (costs or information) from the ongoing fighting. Peacekeeping had little or no systematic effect on mediation or negotiation success in civil wars. The interaction term for peacekeeping and casualties was also not significant. Although peacekeeping does not increase the likelihood that a mediation or negotiation effort will move from a failure to a partial agreement or from partial agreement to full agreement, we remained open to the possibility that peacekeeping would be positively related to the achievement of the most decisive type of agreement, a full settlement over the issues under mediation or negotiation. As a result, we estimated a probit model with selection in order to estimate the impact of peacekeeping upon the likelihood of a full settlement between rivals. Similarly, we estimated a probit model with selection that describes the likelihood of a full or partial agreement among civil war disputants. The results from these analyses are summarized in Tables 4 and 5. As was the case in the ordered probit selection models, peacekeeping reduced the likelihood that either mediation or negotiation would take place among enduring rivals. The peacekeeping coefficients in the mediation and negotiation outcome models were negative, as they were in the ordered probit analysis The peacekeeping term in the mediation model approached nominal significance and the term in the negotiation model was statistically significant. Peacekeeping had a larger negative effect on the likelihood of a full agreement through negotiation than an other variable. The presence of peacekeeping forces made a full agreement less likely than even an increase in the complexity of the issues under negotiation. These results are consistent with the pessimistic view generally, and the differential effect, with a stronger impact on negotiation than mediation, fits with the predictions o the rational choice approach specifically. Although peacekeeping may have little impact in producing partial settlements, it has a negative influence in promoting broader conflict resolution. Indeed some of the most prominent mediation successes (e.g., the Beagle Channel agreement between Chile and Argentina) too place in the absence of peacekeeping forces. Unlike earlier results, however, the presence of an ongoing militarized dispute did not influence the prospects for ful settlement. Yet, earlier peacekeeping did have a negative effect on diplomatic suc cess, but only for negotiations; the former is consistent with the hurting stalemate This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 640 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma TABLE4. Full Settlement Probit Model with Selection Control--Enduring Rivalries Mediation Negotiation Coefficient SE Coefficient SE Outcome Ongoing militarized dispute 0.033 0.305 - 0.278 0.275 Number of previous rivalry negotiations - 0.034 0.037 0.023 0.016 Lowest rival democracy score 0.046 0.032 - 0.059 0.036 Average rivalry dispute severity - 0.011 0.007 - 0.007 0.007 Percentage of disputes ending in stalemate - 0.008 0.007 - 0.019** 0.009 Elapsed rivalry time (in months) - 0.006*** 0.002 - 0.010*** 0.003 Recent polity change (within 24 months) 0.169 0.334 0.456* 0.271 Number of previous rivalry mediations 0.064*** 0.016 0.069*** 0.023 Disputant initiated conflict mgmt 0.512 0.372 0.240 0.223 Number of mediations by same mediator 0.020 0.097 Issue complexity - 0.553** 0.259 - 0.476** 0.220 Tangible issue 1.299** 0.521 0.168 0.306 Number of previous mediations (this dispute) - 0.033 0.109 Rank of mediator - 0.104* 0.062 Negotiations conducted by state leaders - 0.139 0.303 Ongoing peacekeeping - 0.704* 0.420 - 1.553** 0.673 Constant 0.142 0.420 1.432 Selection Previous rivalry war 0.246** 0.100 0.203*** 0.079 Ongoing militarized dispute 0.664*** 0.061 0.223*** 0.060 Lowest rival democracy score 0.039*** 0.005 0.003 0.006 Average rivalry dispute severity 0.002** 0.001 0.003*** 0.001 Percentage of disputes ending in stalemate - 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 Rivalry contains a major power - 0.255*** 0.093 0.256*** 0.064 Elapsed rivalry time (in months) - 0.001*** 0.0003 - 0.0003 0.0002 Recent polity change (within 24 months) 0.178*** 0.059 0.137** 0.056 Number of previous rivalry mediations 0.036*** 0.003 0.007** 0.003 Number of previous rivalry negotiations - 0.019"** 0.004 0.023*** 0.002 Ongoing peacekeeping - 0.300*** 0.095 - 0.200* 0.108 Constant - 2.363*** 0.137 - 2.862 0.132 p 0.834*** 0.241 0.999*** 0.0001 N 18,020 18,020 Uncensored observations 274 324 Log likelihood - 1145.755 - 1360.916 Wald chi-square 341.28 29.43 Prob > chi-square 0 0.0057 ***p<.01, **p<.05, *p<.10; two-tailed test. logic, although having the effec choice predictions. Once again, the results for civil no general impact on mediation sociated with negotiation success predictions are again supported, sequent analyses with the peacek promoted mediation success, p achieve an agreement, but the b violence made the parties alone l belies the optimistic expectation limit armed conflict may have so This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 641 TABLE 5. Partial and Full Settlement Probit Model with Selection Control-Civil Wars Mediation Negotiation Coefficient SE Coefficient SE Outcome Average casualties per month 0.003 0.003 0.003*** 0.001 Elapsed time 0.208*** 0.073 - 0.156*** 0.06 Average casualties*selapsed time - 0.001 0.001 - 0.001 .0004 Tangible issue - 0.332** 0.153 0.109 0.104 Disputant initiated conflict management 0.426*** 0.154 - 0.123 0.085 Issue complexity - 0.122 0.102 - 0.032 0.103 Mediation by state leader 0.227* 0.14 Negotiations conducted by state leaders - 0.086 0.098 Number of previous negotiations 0.016 0.015 0.075*** 0.015 Number of previous mediations - 0.028*** 0.006 - 0.002 0.005 Previous mediations by same mediator 0.026 0.038 Peacekeeping 0.179 0.187 0.02 0.208 Previous agreement - 0.041 0.111 0.037 0.072 Ethno-religious conflict 0.202 0.133 - 0.056 0.217 Constant 0.817 0.436 - 2.198*** 0.275 Selection Average casualties per month - 0.006*** 0.001 - 0.001 0.001 Elapsed time - 0.193*** 0.029 - 0.212*** 0.035 Average casualties*elapsed time 0.001*** .0002 0.0003* .0002 Number of previous mediations 0.007** 0.003 - 0.007** 0.003 Number of previous negotiations - 0.005 0.006 0.105*** 0.008 Peacekeeping 0.202** 0.086 - 0.162 0.17 Number of previous agreements 0.114*** 0.017 - 0.117** 0.046 Ethnic homogeneity 0.006*** 0.001 0.005*** 0.002 Ethno-religious conflict - 0.04 0.051 - 0.046 0.137 Constant - 1.54 0.139 - 2.013 0.165 p -0.771 1 N 12,648 12,648 Uncensored observations 436 221 Log-likelihood - 1851.766 - 1105.905 Chi-square 74.89 99.27 Prob > chi-square 0.000 0.000 ***p < .01, **p <.05, *p <.10; two-tailed test. Conclusions The results of the analysis cast a rather dim light on the ability of pea forces to assist the conflict resolution process. In enduring rivalries, the pre peacekeeping forces reduced the occurrence of mediation and negotiation as well as reduced the prospects for their success when they do take pla with respect to achieving a broad peace agreement. The effects with resp wars were not as harmful, but neither did peacekeeping have the kind impacts it was designed to have.'6 There was virtually no support throu of the analyses for the optimistic view that peacekeeping promotes pea 6 Peacekeeping forces may contribute to conflict resolution within civil conflicts if the intervention civil war breaks out. Because our intrastate analysis focused only upon civil wars, the weaker findin peacekeeping may be because once civil war has begun, it has already spiraled beyond a level at whic of peacekeeping forces might encourage agreement among the parties. In this respect, once a civil between the parties, it may be too late for peacekeeping to do anything more than seek to separate limit the conflict between them. This logic suggests that a vital element for intrastate peacekeepin promote resolution may be early warning that is sufficient to permit intervention before open civil w This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to 642 The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma The pessimistic view was supported in most of the analyses. The hurting stalem and rational choice models were confirmed in that they predicted fewer settlements in the presence of peacekeeping. The results tended in support of the hurting stalemate model in that costs were an important influence in diplomatic initiati and successful outcomes. The rational choice logic was prescient in anticipatin stronger negative effects on negotiation success than mediation success. The resu are perhaps not strong enough to privilege one model over the other. Yet, it may be that a combined model might provide the best explanation. This might be accom plished by factoring in the cost elements of the hurting stalemate model into t rational choice approach. The stalemate element is certainly consistent with t rational choice notion of information about future outcomes, and the cost elements permit states to opt out of civil wars and rivalry, which are admittedly expensi ways to gain additional information. Although a hybrid model is promising, a remaining empirical puzzle comes fro the finding that when peacekeepers failed to keep the peace (i.e., peacekeeping forces on the ground did not prevent severe violence), third parties and disputa alike made fewer efforts at peacemaking. Having a peacekeeping operation th fails to keep the peace is worse than continuing the fighting with no peacekeep deployment. If anything, this is consistent with a strongly pessimistic view peacekeeping and peacemaking, although it does not fit with either of the pessimist logics discussed in the study. Such a finding, however, deserves closer examinati and better explanation. Our findings suggest that policy makers confronted with an ongoing conflict face a difficult dilemma. On one hand, there are powerful political, strategic, and mo reasons for deploying a peacekeeping force in conflicts marked by mount bloodshed. Cases of genocide or recurring warfare may be so extreme that th demand peacekeeping forces in order to separate the combatants and prevent th renewal of fighting. Indeed, the prospect of peacekeeping deployment may be only way to get the protagonists to agree to a cease-fire in the first place. On deployed, peacekeeping forces may be the best mechanism for stabilizing the s uation. Yet, the intervention of peacekeepers may not only represent a tempora solution to the fighting, but may also hinder conflict management efforts aimed at resolving the issues in enduring rivalries that created the conflict in the first place. This paradox works to create situations such as that of Cyprus in which peace keepers are deployed for decades, but little movement toward agreement or set tlement occurs. Nevertheless, this is not to diminish the positive effects that fl from ending bloodshed and allowing the local population to live as normal lives possible. If peacekeepers fail to keep the peace effectively, however, as has been case in southern Lebanon and in the Congo, then conflict resolution efforts by third parties or the disputants themselves may dry up. In those cases, not only has conflict resolution been negatively impacted, but also, there is not even the bene of saving lives and promoting stability in the area, the primary purpose of mo peacekeeping deployments. The other horn of the dilemma is present if decision makers decide to defer t deployment of peacekeeping forces until after a peace agreement. In one sense, may be advantageous in the long-term for conflict to continue to occur unabat without the intervention of peacekeepers in order to allow the conflict to progr to a stage in which the disputants become more amenable to settlement (s Luttwak 2001, for example). Yet, such a hands-off approach is likely to be unpa atable in the most extreme cases of conflict and may carry the risk of confl expansion, effectively compelling third parties to intervene militarily. Furthermore decision makers may wait for a peace agreement that never comes, as there is guarantee that the conditions for ending an enduring rivalry or civil war will e be manifest, at least not for many years. At minimum, the results of this stu suggest the need for third parties to be judicious in their use of peacekeeping This content downloaded from on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:34:54 UTC All use subject to J. MICHAEL GREIG AND PAUL F. DIEHL 643 balancing the immediate need to limit conflict with the long-term goal of producing a settlement. Although our results provide a bleak outlook on the relationship between peacekeeping and mediation/negotiation success, there remain other areas in the scholarly literature that suggest ways in which peacekeeping operations enhance efforts at conflict resolution. It may be that the prospect of peacekeeping, rather than the actual presence of peacekeeping forces, promotes mediation and negotiation success. Disputants may be willing to commit to an agreement if they know that peacekeepers will be there afterward to guarantee the settlement (Walter 2002; Fortna 2004). By acting as guarantors of agreements, peacekeepers may serve to lessen the possibility of renewed fighting when disputes over the implementation of agreements arise. In addition, the prospect of peacekeeping may positively influence the content of agreements reached. Protagonists may be more willing to commit to more detailed settlement provisions and those which address a broader range of disputed issues if some guarantees, facilitated by peacekeepers, exist such that provisions will be implemented with full compliance. Peacekeepers may also promote the durability of agreements by making disputants feel less exposed to the consequences of unilateral defection by the other side. In this sense, by making disputants feel more secure, peacekeepers can provide a powerful solution to the security dilemma often faced by enduring rivals and civil war combatants even after an agreement is reached between them. In this vein, peacekeepers may be able to reduce the tendency of disputants to build up their arms or lessen the degree to which they feel that they must strike first in the event of renewed conflict. In each of these ways, peacekeeping forces may be able to exert a positive long-term effect upon conflictual relationships, beyond simply encouraging cease-fires. All peacekeeping efforts are not created equal, and it is possible that certain forms of peacekeeping may have different effects on peacemaking. We focused on UN peacekeeping actions in general, with a particular emphasis on cease-fire monitoring. In the last decade, however, peacekeeping has involved increasingly complex operations, with multiple tasks and missions. Many of these roles involve post-settlement activities, such as election monitoring and nation-building, and therefore are not relevant to our concerns here. 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