Human Rights, Democratization and Global Justice

Intro + Expansion of HR & Basic HR concepts 17. 2. 2020

Introduction of the course, covering its contents and requirements.
Specification of deadlines and other important dates.
Recommendations for study materials.
First reflections on the issue of human rights in general.
Q & A.
!! There is no e-test preceding this lesson (but there will be a double e-test before the second seminar instead).
To get started:
  • FREEMAN, Michael (2017). Human Rights. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 1–14. (14 pages)
  • DONNELLY Jack (2013). Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice. 3rd ed., Ithaca: Cornell UP, pp. 24–39. (16 pages)
  • UDHR ( (8 pages)
Total: 38 pages.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Following questions can structure your reading of both chapters.

After studying them, you will know answers to questions such as:


  • Why we talk about a "concept" of human rights?
  • Is the concept of human rights wholly legal? Why (not)?
  • Why do we observe a gap between human rights promises and reality?
  • Are human rights compossible? Why (not)?
  • When someone criticizes "rights inflation", what does she mean? 
  • Is meaning of human rights settled, or is it openned to changes? Why?
  • Are human rights an uncontested idea (concept)?
  • Which discipline has dominated study of human rights? Why?
  • How do concepts of human rights and state sovereignty co-exist?
  • How can we criticize legal positivism?
  • What is the source (justification) of human rights?
  • What is the difference between these two questions: 1) Why do we have human rights? and 2) Why ought we to have human rights?


  • Since when have human rights appeared as an important element in international relations?
  • How has the situation with importance of human rights in in international relations changed in the post-WW2 period?
  • What are the most important UN human rights documents?
  • What do we understand under the term "the International Bill of Human Rights"?
  • What is the relationship between human rights and human dignity?
  • What do we understand under "individual rights"?
  • How to square individual rights and sociability of individuals?
  • What do we understand under "interdependence of human rights"?
  • What do we understand under "indivisibility of human rights"?
  • Are there any attacks against the idea of indivisibility of human rights?
  • What are the main duties of states in relation to human rights?
  • Explain how it is possible that states are perceived both principal violators and essential protectors of human rights.
  • How have expectations towards a state developed as concerns their role in protection of human rights?
  • What do we understand under negative and positive (or, rather active and passive) dimensions of the role of states in relation to human rights?