International Organizations and Diplomacy

Week 5: Development and Security Organizations

This teaching unit will introduce students to various prominent transnational development and security organizations.  

International development organizations discussed in the presentation include The World Bank and The Asian Development Bank.

The presentation also reviews several international security organizations (The 'Six-Party Talks', The Security and Prosperity Partnership, The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe- OSCE, and The North Atlantic Treaty Organization- NATO).

The presentation is concluded with a comparative analysis between the historical development, members and goals of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.  

Students should visit the following websites in order to familiarise themselves with the international organizations at hand:

and read the assigned literature:

Brzezinski, Z. (2009). An agenda for NATO: Toward a global security web. Foreign Affairs, 2-20.

Galbreath, D. J. (2007). The organization for security and co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Routledge. Introduction+ Chapter 1 (pages 1-26)

For an extensive discussion of the main criticism of the World Bank please refer to 'what are the main criticisms of the World Bank and IMF?' Report of the Bretton Woods project available on IS.

Please email me your questions ( and keep safe!

The reading quiz will be postponed until frontal teaching is resumed.