Week 9: Contemporary Diplomacy
This teaching unit will focus on contemporary Diplomacy. We will first define ‘Mediated Diplomacy’ and find out what it entails. Then, we will review and analyse a contemporary example of practising this type of Diplomacy; The Camp David Accords (a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, signed in 1978). The presentation concludes with a discussion of the concept of ‘Guerrilla Diplomacy’ and the way it differs from other types of Diplomacy previously discussed.
The session will have two parts: we will first go over the presentation planned according to the syllabus, second, we will have a short Q and A session aimed to answer your questions concerning 'my' part of the course before handing it over to Ambassador Hlavsova.
Please read the assigned literature for this unit:
D. Copeland, D (2009) Guerilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Relations. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-16) |
G. R. Berridge, M. Keens-Soper and T. G. Otte, Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger (2001); Diplomacy, Development, and Security in the Age of Globalization, introduction (pages 1-18) |
This is a live ZOOM session
The session will take place at normal class time (Wednesday, April 22 at 14 am, CET).
In order to join the session, please follow this link:
Meeting ID: 986 0672 1257
Password: irisfun
If you're a first-time Zoom user, check out this short video explaining how to
join a meeting:
During the live session, you will be able to view the PowerPoint presentation on your computer/tablet screen and hear me in the background. You don't need to have an active webcam. During class, questions can be asked in writing (by typing into the designated chatbox) or vocally, using your built-in microphones. After class, the presentation will be uploaded to IS.
Please mind that similarly to frontal teaching and unlike the detailed presentations which were uploaded since we switched to remote teaching, next week's presentation is only used as a 'skeleton'. As such, I strongly recommend that you attend the Zoom session and take notes.
Please email me your questions (hadar@fss.muni.cz) and keep safe!