Week 6: International Trade Organizations
This teaching unit will introduce students to various prominent transnational trade organizations (both global and regional) alongside preferential trade agreements.
The presentation will discuss the general issues of economic integration and the relationship between trade and development before focusing on a discussion of the World Trade Organization (historical development, current structure, underlying ideology, legal frameworks, policies etc.).
Students should visit the following websites in order to familiarise themselves with the international organizations at hand:
https://www.wto.org |
https://www.mercosur.int/en/about-mercosur/mercosur-in-brief/ |
and read the assigned literature:
Matsushita, M., Schoenbaum, T. J., Mavroidis, P. C., & Hahn, M. (2015). The World Trade Organization: law, practice, and policy. Oxford University Press. |
https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/economic-and-monetary-union/what-economic-and-monetary-union-emu_en (and related links at the bottom of the page) |
Lastly, please think of possible answers to the following questions:
1. Is free trade good for development?
2. Why regulate trade negotiations?