Morality and Public Sphere

Introduction: Durkheim and Durkheimian Sociology

Durkheim, Émile (1965/1893): “Mechanical Solidarity”. In: The Division of Labor in Society. New York: Free Press, pp. 70-85, 102-103.

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Durkheim, Émile and Steven Lukes (1969/1898): “Durkheim ‘Individualism and the Intellectuals’.” Political Studies 17 (1): 14-30.

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Durkheim, Émile (1995/1912): The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. New York: Free Press, 33-44. 429-430. 

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Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1988): “Culture and Political Crisis. ‘Watergate’ and Durkheimian Sociology”. In: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (ed.), Durkheimian Sociology. Cultural Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 187-224.