Civil Religion and National Imaginaries
Guideline for the final paper:
Bellah, Robert N. (1991): “Civil
Religion in America”. In: Beyond Belief. Essays on Religion in a
Post-Traditional World. Berkeley: University of California Press, 40-55.
Holý, Ladislav (1996): The Little
Czech and the Great Czech Nation. National Identity and the Post-Communist
Social Transformation. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press,
1-15, 72-113
Lakoff, George (2002): Moral Politics. How Liberals and Conservatives Think. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 3-37, 143-176.
Holý, Ladislav (1996): The Little
Czech and the Great Czech Nation. National Identity and the Post-Communist
Social Transformation. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lakoff, George (2002):
Moral Politics. How Liberals and Conservatives Think. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.