Politická ekonomie médií Monika Metykova m.metykova@sussex.ac.uk; 32153@mail.muni.cz Úvod: Kdo? Jak? Kdy? Jaké čtení? Jaká příprava? Jaké jsou podmínky pro ukončení předmětu? Sylabus má všechny informace, povinná četba je v IS - postupně přidám i většinu doporučené četby Proč je četba v AJ? Stačí číst povinnou literaturu? Bude po bloku k dispozici shrnutí nebo poznámky? Státnice a termíny Etiketa Diskuse - kontroverze není problém, ale s respektem Pozdní příchod nebo absence Příklady, zkušenosti, znalosti z jiných předmětů jsou vítané Krátké prezentace? Práce s mobilem, počítačem v malých skupinách? Formát: krátká “přednáška”, praktické ukázky, nahrávky, práce v malých skupinách, kvíz Citace z textů možné v angličtině Čím se budeme zabývat? Jeden příklad - naše “závislost” na mobilních telefonech, chytrých hodinkách apod. Kdo je vyrábí? Jaké jsou jejich podmínky práce? Jak jsou distribuované? Jaké zdroje jsou potřebné k jejich výrobě? Jak a kde je konzumujeme nebo používáme? Nejhorší místo na světě • http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150402-the- worst-place-on-earth • Videos: Tedx Talks: Sean Dudley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgS8hgvo1n k Co je politická ekonomie komunikace? Mosco: The study of the social relations, particularly the power relations, that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of resources, including communication resources. Širší definice Mosco: study of control and survival in social life; control=political process (how a society organizes itself, manages its affairs and adapts to change); survival=economic because it involves the processes of production and reproduction. Co charakterizuje přístup politické ekonomie? HISTORY - social change as historical transformation SOCIAL TOTALITY - a big picture of society, totality of social relations that make up the economic, political, social and cultural areas of life MORAL PHILOSOPHY - values that help to create social behaviour and moral principles that ought to guide efforts to change it PRAXIS - unity of thinking and doing HISTORY Political economy has traditionally given priority to understanding social change and historical transformation. For classical theorists like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Joh n Stuart Mill , this meant comprehending the great capitalist revolution, the upheaval that transformed societies based primarily on agricultural labor into commercial, manufacturing, and, ultimately, industrial societies. For political economists like Karl Marx, it meant examining the dynamic forces i n capitalism responsible for its growth and change. SOCIAL TOTALITY This means that political economy spans the range of problems that today tend to be situated in the compartments of several academic disciplines where those with an interest in social class go to sociology, those interested in government to political science, in the market to economics, and so on. From the time of Adam Smith, whose Wealth of Nations knew no disciplinary boundaries, political economy has been taken up with the mutual constitution and multiple determination of social life. Early in the development of political economy Mill described the necessity of a broad approach to social life. MORAL PHILOSOPHY Moral philosophy refers to social values and to conceptions of appropriate social practices. The goal of this particular form of analysis is to clarify and make explicit the moral positions of economic and political economic perspectives, particularly because moral viewpoints are often masked in these perspectives. (Srov. vědecká neutralita, neutralita neviditelné ruky trhu apod.) PRAXIS In brief, praxis guides a theory of knowledge to view knowing as the ongoing product of theory and practice. It rejects as partial those epistemologies which conclude that truth can only result from contemplation. Knowledge requires more than a process of honing and purifying conceptual thought. Rather it grows out of the mutual constitution of conception and execution. Praxis has also occupied an important place in the substantive development of political economy. After all, political economy began as the practical activity of household management and control of the polis. Zakladatelé - nebyly ekonomové Adam Smith - morální filozof http://www.cevro.cz/cs/60293-adam-smith-moralni -filozof-politicky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejJRhn53X2M David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Malthus, Karl Marx Různé tradice Severní Amerika: Dallas Smythe, Herbert Schiller Focus on a sense of injustice that the communication industry has become an integral part of a wider corporate order which is both exploitative and undemocratic. Public interest concerns before government regulatory and policy organs, renewed critique of global capitalism, movements. Robert McChesney as a US media activist (Free Press) http://www.freepress.net/ Des Freedman as a UK media activist (Media Reform Coalition) http://www.mediareform.org.uk/ Různé tradice Evropa - Armand Mattelart, Nicholas Garnham, Peter Golding, Graham Murdock Integrate communication research with neo-Marxian and institutional theoretical traditions - class power and class struggle (using communication as a means of resistance to power), old examples and news ones (Arab Spring, though be careful about technological determinism) Úkol pro menší skupiny Co víme o těchto představitelích politické ekonomie resp. politické ekonomie médií? 1. Karl Marx 2. Herbert Schiller 3. Armand Matellart 4. Robert McChesney 5. Janet Wasko 6. Graham Murdock 7. David Ricardo 8. John Stuart Mills 9. Thomas Malthus Rozvoj a modernizace When talking about less developed countries and their communication systems - media as one of the resources (with urbanization, education etc.) that stimulate economic, social, cultural development - a view that has been criticized much (dependency theory, technological determinism etc.) Mark Zuckeberg a neutralita netu (net neutrality) Nové technologie Relevantní příklady: Cloud storage: https://www.voanews.com/episode/heres-where-in ternet-actually-lives-4178486?utm_medium=em ail&utm_campaign=today-at-voa-t46&utm_sourc e=newsletter&utm_content=2020-02-19 Procesy Commodification - process of transforming things valued for their use (e.g. food as nutrition, stories as a way of communicating) into marketable products that are valued for what they can bring in exchange. Komodifikace se netýká jenom institucí nebo korporací ale také mluvíme o komodifikaci diváků, čtenářů, uživatelů nebo nápadů Commodification of ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpCkOSs5J_s (od 3 min.) Commodification of gay men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5pvUaMgfC8 Zprostornění Spatialization - process of overcoming the constraints of geographical space, media and communication technologies play a role in this. Giddens: time-space distanciation srov. Harvey time-space compression https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Time-Space-Compressio n-Harvey-1989_fig1_228579081 Technologies enable flexibility Spatialization goes hand in hand with globalization Znamená to ale, že prostor už není důležitý? Koncentrace One issue linked to spatialization and the institutional extension of corporate power is concentration http://www.frugaldad.com/media-consolidation-inf ographic/ Google - dominant among search engines Strukturace Structuration - process of creating social relations, mainly those organized around social class, gender, and race. Social action takes place within the constraints and the opportunities provided by the structures in which action happens. Social movements and media – Occupy, Black Lives Matter https://blacklivesmatter.com/ QUIZ Marx Graham Murdock interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yo9WTLB5co Karl Marx alienation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ4VzhIuKCQ Politická ekonomie internetu How social media make money? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8D5F3qxWhc digital labour and exploitation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC4aNShuoF U Christian Fuchs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpN7YPXz1Z8