Media & Cultural Industries Professor Elavsky On the notecard, please write legibly –FRONT: –Your Name (and what you would like to be called) –The city & country you are from – –BACK –List one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime –If they made a movie of your life, which actor would you want to play you? –List a unique skill you have –Use three words that describe you – Media & Cultural Industries –What is the course about? –How is it related to –Creativity/Labor/Work? –Economy? –Policy? –Organizational Culture? –Praxis? – Concepts –Change and Continuity, Power and Creativity –Theories of Culture, Theories of Cultural Production –Cultural Industries across History –Cultural Policy –Ownership: Concentration, Conglomeration and Corporate Power, –Digital Culture –Creativity, Commerce, and Organization –Working Conditions and Inequalities in the Cultural Industries –Internationalisation –Texts: Diversity, Quality, and Social Justice – – Syllabus, Course Dynamic, & A Caveat –