abstract image THEORIES OF CULTURE, THEORIES OF CULTURAL PRODUCTION Week 4 Quiz Questions: ◦According to the reading ◦1) Define the 6 ways the cultural industries approach is better for recognizing and examining the complexity, contestation, and ambivalence in the study of cultural production? ◦2) Discuss how the Cultural Studies trajectory contributed to the study of cultural production? ◦3) Explain how the following differ in their approaches/methods to the study of cultural production: neoliberal economics, cultural economy, production studies, cultural labor approaches, and the sociology of culture ◦ Perspectives ◦Sensitive to the potential power of the cultural industries ◦As makers of texts, ◦As systems for the management and marketing of symbolic creativity ◦As agents of change Image result for cultural industries Neoclassical Economics ◦A scientific study of economic affairs – how consumer preferences might be most efficiently satisfied ◦Cut off from moral philosophy, questions of human rights/needs, social justice ◦“ The equation of human well-being with the meeting of preferences, rather than in terms of fundamental human needs …. provides a limited basis on which to proceed in assessing the cultural industries” ◦Neoliberalism: the production of efficient markets should be the primary goal of public policy; “TV = a toaster with pictures” ◦- Such a definition denigrates the way in which culture can potentially contribute symbolically to people’s lives in powerful ways Image result for supply demand curve Critical Political Economy Critical Political Economy: Trajectories ◦North-American ◦Reductionist/Determinations ◦Cultural Industries ◦Cultural Industries Approach is better at examining: ◦Contradictions ◦The Specific Conditions of Cultural Production ◦Symbol Creators ◦Information and Entertainment ◦Historical Variations in the social relations of Cultural Production ◦ ◦What are the systemic social consequences of cultural production? ◦ Image result for bob mcchesney Image result for hesmondhalgh Sociology of Culture/Business, Management/Organization Studies ◦What actually happens in these organizations? ◦Data Analysis – how to maximize efficiency (achieve success) ◦Macrosocial and Microsocial Analyses ◦Pressures, Forces, Dynamics, Mediations Image result for sociology of culture Texts, Meanings, Representation ◦Content Analysis – objective, verifiable measure of meaning ◦Polysemy ◦Aesthetic variation for interpretation ◦Cultural Studies -Questions of ordinary cultural artefacts and experiences ◦Ordinary culture needs to be taken seriously; integrated analysis ◦The complexity of “culture” (anti-essentialism/politics of recognition) ◦The politics of authority in culture ◦Identity, subjectivity, discourse, and meaning ◦ ◦Who speaks and how are we heard? Active Audiences? Social Power? ◦- Fiske (uncritical populism)/digital optimism ◦ - Image result for representation obama Production Studies ◦Creative Industries (Power (Foucault), postmodernism) – policy oriented) ◦Cultural Work/Labour – lived experiences of cultural workers (creative industry/economy policy issues) ◦Precarity ◦Production Studies – routines and rituals/grounded in-depth analyses to better understand dynamics of macrosocial forces ◦Critical Media Industry Studies – strategies as they intersect workers experiences in all their complexity, ambiguity, and ambivalence. ◦ Image result for production studies Theoretical trajectories ◦Neoclassical Economics ◦Critical Political Economy ◦Moral Economy of Culture ◦Sociology of Culture ◦Production of Culture/Cultures of Production ◦Critical Sociological Approaches ◦Cultural Studies ◦Cultural Economy ◦Creative Industries ◦Cultural Work/Labour ◦Production Studies ◦Critical Media Industry Studies