abstract image POLICY CHANGE Week 6 Policy ◦Relationship between Government and Markets ◦Legislate, regulate, subsidise ◦Cultural policy, media policy ◦Public ownership, (re-) deregulation [privatization, lifting of restraints, expansion of private ownership] ◦Public Service/Interest (p. 152) vs. Corporate interests ◦Telecommunications: public resource/private utility ◦Government as Father/Tyrant ◦1980s (Downturn) – increase efficiency of utilities ◦Five Waves of Marketization (History) ◦International policy bodies (p162) ◦Copyright (intellectual Property) /public domain (how we define/remunerate creativity) ◦Fair use (our use) ◦Happy Birthday/China ◦Policies are both responses to, and products of, sociocultural, economic, and technological conditions, but they have also been fundamental in triggering transformations in the cultural industries. Creative Cities, Industries, Economies ◦Cultural Policy – High/Low Culture, Economics ◦Creative Cities, Clusters, Economies, ◦Entrepreneurship, Regeneration (returns on public investment) ◦Conclusion – p. 195