Teorie a výzkum online komunikace

Týden 10: Cyberhate a diskriminace

Povinná literatura:

Douglas, K. M., McGarty, C., Bliuc, A., & Lala, G. (2005). Understanding cyberhate: Social competition and social creativity in online white supremacist groups. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1), 68-76. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439304271538

Keipi, T., Näsi, M., Oksanen, A., & Räsänen, P. (2017). The rise of online hate. In Online hate and harmful content: Cross-national perspectives (pp. 53-74). Routledge.


Doporučená literatura:

Bloch, K. R. (2016). “It is just SICKENING”: Emotions and discourse in an anti-immigrant discussion forum. Sociological Focus, 49(4), 257-270. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380237.2016.1169901

Hanzelka, J., & Schmidt, I. (2017). Dynamics of cyber hate in social media: A comparative analysis of anti-Muslim movements in the Czech Republic and Germany. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 11(1), 143-160. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.495778

Hawdon, J., Oksanen, A., & Räsänen, P. (2015). Online extremism and online hate: Exposure among adolescents and young adults in four nations. Nordicom-Information, 37(3-4), 29-37.

Kaakinen, M., Oksanen, A., & Räsänen, P. (2018). Did the risk of exposure to online hate increase after the November 2015 Paris attacks? A group relations approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 78, 90-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.09.022

McNamee, L. G., Peterson, B. L., & Peña, J. (2010). A call to educate, participate, invoke and indict: Understanding the communication of online hate groups. Communication Monographs, 77(2), 257-280. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751003758227

Schmitz, R. M. (2016). Intersections of hate: Exploring the transecting dimensions of race, religion, gender, and family in Ku Klux Klan Web sites. Sociological Focus, 49(3), 200-214. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380237.2016.1135029


Další nepovinné materiály:

Best Practices for Responding to Cyberhate. (2020). Anti-Defamation League [Website]. https://www.adl.org/best-practices-for-responding-to-cyberhate

Khan, S. (2019, June 21). Killed by hate: How hate crimes attack identities [Video]. TEDxGateway. https://youtu.be/vO5tzqgNAa4

Le, N. (2019, September 4). The offline origins of online hate and what to do about it [Video]. TEDx Talks. https://youtu.be/xbQkVXU5ELY

Southern Poverty Law Center. (2020). The Southern Poverty Law Center [Website]. https://www.splcenter.org/