Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Rf\/IF\A/Q Volume 20, Number 10, 2017 ntVItVVÜ © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2017.0247 Associations of Self-Presentation on Facebook with Mental Health and Personality Variables: A Systematic Review Conal Twomey, PhD, and Gary O'Reilly, PhD Abstract Many investigations of the associations of self-presentation on Facebook with mental health and personality variables exist, but their findings have not yet been synthetized. We therefore carried out a narrative synthesis of 21 observational studies (combined N— 7,573) obtained from a systematic search of four academic databases. Significant self-presentation associations were yielded for self-esteem, perceived social support, social anxiety, well-being, depression, bipolar/mania, stress, self-consciousness, and insecure attachment. Significant associations were also yielded for all of the big five personality variables and narcissism. The clearest trends—based on the number of times significant associations were yielded across included studies—were as follows: (1) inauthentic self-presentation was consistently associated with low self-esteem and elevated levels of social anxiety; (2) inauthentic self-presentation was consistently more likely to occur in people high in neuroticism and narcissism; and (3) authentic/positive self-presentation was consistently associated with increased levels of self-esteem and perceived social support. The assessment of online self-presentation may offer clinicians important insights into how clients are functioning in relation to various domains of mental health and personality. For example, clients who present inauthentic versions of themselves on Facebook could be experiencing social anxiety or have maladaptive personality traits such as neuroticism and narcissism, all of which could be targeted in intervention. Keywords: self-presentation, impression management, Facebook, social media, mental health, personality Introduction Self-presentation refers to the act of conveying— accurate or inaccurate—information about oneself to other people.1 The concept was famously expounded upon by sociologist Erving Goffman who equated social life to a stage in which people are like actors who put on performances (or play roles) in front of given audiences: the principal goal of the performance is to display a desired impression of one's identity that is perceived as acceptable and credible to the audience.2 The pioneering psychologist Carl Rogers also addressed self-presentation: he posited that many psychological problems arise as a result of incongruence between the innately driven real self and the aspirational ideal self that is presented to others and linked to internalized conditions of worth.3'4 The psychoanalyst D.W. Winnicott also explored self-presentation with his true self versus false self distinction: the former describes a sense of self based on spontaneous authentic experiences; the latter encompasses a deliberate facade displayed in front of others, operating as a defense mechanism.5 More recently, supporting his social discrepancy theory, psychologist Edward Tory Higgins experimentally demonstrated that discrepancies between the actual/own self state and ideal self states can lead to dejection-related emotions such as disappointment and dissatisfaction.6 What all of the above theories have in common is the notion that the publicly displayed self is—to some degree—contrived or inauthentic. In recent years, a plethora of studies have utilized the self-presentation theory to make sense of how people engage in self-presentation on social media websites.7-1 It is worth noting that self-presentation on social media is widely regarded as a specific type of self-disclosure and various tenets of self-disclosure theory such as authenticity, self-enhancement, and intentionality have been applied to the concept.11 The terms self-presentation and self-disclosure are often used interchangeably within the context of social media research11; thus, for simplicity—apart from in Tables 1 and 2, which display more specific information—we hereafter refer exclusively to the former term. School of Psychology, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. 587 Downloaded by Gothenburg University Library from at 10/17/17. For personal use only. Table 1. Study Characteristics and Associations of Inauthentic Self-Presentation with Mental Health and Personality (at p<0.05) Positive (&), negative (*&) and insignificant (0) associations^ with Sample Qual Self-presentation operationalization Mental health variables Personality variables Study; Country (mean age; SDJ N %f (NO) (measure) Ax Socax DE-P BP/M Stress InsAtt Self-est Soc sup WB 0 C E A N Narc Bodroza and FB users 804 79 6 Ideal self/desired 0 0