Week 7: Karl Popper - 13. 4. 2021
General topic "Civil disobedience in the context of a global pandemic"
A short article defining the concept of Civil Disobedience and its main
elements: https://youmatter.world/en/definition/civil-disobedience-definition/
Short videos on the topic - around 8 minutes total:
1) The origin of the concept of civil disobedience and overview of cases [2:00 m]
2) Short video focusing on restaurant owners [1:20 m]
3) Civil disobedience movement in Myanmar [1-minute report]
4) Disobeying pandemic regulations by religious leaders [3:00 m]
If you have extra time, watch this 11:00 minute debate from the movie "The Great Debaters" centered on the topic of civil disobedience:
Deabte format: