20.03.2021 Komunikacej^BH environmentálních témat s veřejností! PhDr. Jan Krajhanzl, Ph.D. 18. března 2021 Propagační minimum 2 i 20.03.2021 t> http://www.schwartz.co.uk/content cfm1D»10S42 l-Hif^"* Experts in exciting food f*\~*m ->: PR00UCTS -VWHATS NEW Ah icOMft from our web s«e rrttP l^vw schwwtx CO ufc Schwartz News - January 2009 Cniaiiut Cunniti . da < JU? ■ attf • Jtxr * who ' jMbjt r 3 "-- SkAwatz' ••o«t«« **»d wtdtnutdtg *< to cot. g«n«-d tn*t 100 r**** *t Ttri t-.»l you donl 1-1.« lo »-r cjr - yOv 0*i i*V °" 'c J '* 04 t•»:' .< 9*1 i-j - * - - " *» »t : to ao- WIN! 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F vpir ■ i ■ ■ 24 12 20.03.2021 f ľ H3 í * / \ 1 1 í L n rr ih i i 11 c >b ec m / CÍI io al ) y v; ¥ ¥ c íľ ov a sV U 31 ía (s e ne ta tie >n & tí tt in q) s d« ik in í( p< >S ti or nri g) s ty 1 í ) t O -11 <0 m ur íík :a< ze ■ r i •i ' i ■ p la c t í / h .o iii ji il< 1 K dl ft a o. 25 Etické otázky 13 20.03.2021 Všechno je manipulace a propaganda, není to eticky přijatelné Děláme dobrou věc: zachraňujeme životy lidí, život planety. Všechno je dovoleno. Scott Bonar: The Conservation Professional's Guide to Working with People^^^^^^^B • Do no harm to others (physically, psychologically, or socially). • Treat everyone fairly and equally. • Be truthful and transparent. • Protect people's privacy, • Avoid stereotyping and scapegoating. • Respect people's dignity and free choice. • Use research-based evidence to make decisions whenever possible. • Seek consensus on program goals, objectives, and strategies from involved parties and stakeholders. • Be inclusive during the program design phase. • Conduct an ethical review of the program before Launch, preferably with external representatives from the community or peer groups. 28 14 20.03.2021 Orientace v oborech 29 Environmental communication refers to the study and practice of how individuals, institutions, societies, and cultures craft, distribute, receive, understand, and use messages about the environment and human interactions with the environment. This includes a wide range of possible interactions, from interpersonal communication to virtual communities, participatory decision making, and environmental media coverage. And it also includes verbal communication. From the perspective of practice, Alexander Flor defines environmental communication as the application of communication approaches, principles, strategies and techniques to environmental management and protection. Wikipedia 30 15 20.03.2021 > environmental rhetoric and the social-symbolic ..construction" of nature > public participation in environmental decision making > environmental collaboration and conflict resolution > media and environmental journalism > representations of nature in corporate advertising and popular culture > advocacy campaign and message construction 31 www.tandfonline.com/action/journallnformation? journalCode=renc20&#.Uhm3H3867mg 16 The International Environmental Communication Association OttPLAhETTALKNG About The IECA is a professional npxus of practilionm schoLirs sludmts artists .vul orr^ni/atioris r (■■.'■■ .r. ■( f,.f tf.,' ■■'■■^>■■■■:«; tfwf .rffcwifes mwonnimf,)/ i ssr*^ and son*?* tf^nroWerns fhaf CM Online Course The next session of Environmental Communication Research Into Praclice begins in September This course wil help you to underhand what's distinct about enwjnmentat comrrwnication and why it snot necessanty the same as other types of public nteresl or political communcabon MUtet I consider the unojue and ilficuii challenges of ccrnmuncatmg well aroml environmental affairs and sustainabibty VAVll ex pi ere Re-MEDIAting the Wild Ihr? irjth Conference on Communication and I nvironmmt ICOCF 1 'as yuu*w? never seen it before" Juno 71 74. 2071. online ovorywhofo The international Environmental Convnuncation Association (IECA) will hold the löth Conference on Communication and Environment tCOCE) online everywhere m June Iho conference wril mart lECAs 10th anniversary As always we will bring tooether artists practitioners scholars students and 33 ~ ru environmental!-, fkomu n i ka ce ekopsychologier public relations ti«cMlDJj3sychologi 4 (C^_ socialni marketing politicky marketing ~^vr?\>vt-..- 1(behaviorälm ekonomie 34 20.03.2021 18 Common Cause FOUNDATION DOWNLOADS COMMON CAUSE FOUNDATION WORKS TO PLACE VALUES THAT PRIORITISE COMMUNITY, ENVIRONMENT AND EQUALITY AT THE HEART OF OUR CULTURAL, POLITICAL AND CIVIC INSTITUTIONS. A large body of evidence shows that values of are central importance in leading people to express concern about social and environmental issues — whether this concern is expressed by changing aspects of day-to-day behaviour, by becoming politically involved, or by volunteering A common set of values, which we call compassionate values, underpin such social and environmental concern Everyone holds these values to some extent - mdeed the majority of people privilege these values above all others. SIGN UP TO OUR EMAIL LIST First Name Fmail Address valuesandframes.or Climate Change Communication About Research Publications Visualizations S Data News & Events q, ■£ Research Audiences There is no one public response to climate change. Instead, there are different an die nee s oi" "interpretive communities" within society who each respond in their own distinct ways. Our research seeks to identify and understand these different audiences as a critical first step to more effective education and communication, 38 Behaviors & Actions climatecommunication. vale.eck 19 20.03.2021 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY . CENTER for CLIMATE CHANGE COMMUNICATION home about programs resources donate Our Mission Our mission at 4C is to develop and apply social science www.climatechanaecommunication.or 39 M É DIÁŘ R E TA IL E K MÉDIA MARKETING REKLAMY PR LIDÉ KATOVNA PODCAST PRACE a Nabídka operativního leasingu mimořádná nabídka na modely Polo/Golf E- operatívni autošé — leasing úterý 2«. 2. Nový interaktivní pořad Fórum chystá online televize DV TV. Provázet jím bude Filip Horký, vidět je v dramatické upoutávce. Jeho hostů se budou moci ptát i diváci. Poprvé v úterý 28. února ve 20.00. Mluvčí Alzy bude Grátis deník začal www.mediar.cz 40 20 20.03.2021 Q, aktuálne 24 hodin 3 dny 7 dní McDonald's si v nové reklame střílí z kávových hipsterů (video) Seriál Temný kraj nabral víc diváků než u prvního dílu Proč je reklama pro seniory tak obtížná? Seriál o českých lékařích Doktoři půjde do vysílání 15. února Facebook dovolí zobrazování reklam ve videích. Chce více konkurovat Youtube 41 21 5868 43 www.markethinq.cz 44 WHITER TEETH IN 5 DAYS* •for *<+tr HJiCi r 5 drrv u» OjpttC IHM MNfeMMtt*"-"*■"«"■; wd OpacWMi' WIMMiwA > negativní poptávka > neviditelné benefity > benefit pro třetí stranu > změny vyžadují hodně času > kulturní konflikt > omezené prostředky > omezená možnost změnit „produkt" Tyson, Hurd: Social Marketing Environmental Issues > Give up an addictive behavior (e.g., stop smoking) > Change a comfortable lifestyle (e.g., reduce thermostat settings) > Resist peer pressure (e.g., be sexually abstinent) > Go out of their way (e.g., take unused paint to a hazardous waste site) > Be uncomfortable (e.g., give blood) > Establish new habits (e.g., exercise five days a week) > Spend more money (e.g., buy recycled paper) > Be embarrassed (e.g., let lawns go brown in the summer) > Hear bad news (e.g., get an HIV test) > Risk relationships (e.g., take the keys from a drunk driver) > Give up leisure time (e.g., volunteer) > Reduce pleasure (e.g., take shorter showers) > Give up looking good (e.g., wear sunscreen) > Spend more time (e.g., flatten cardboard boxes before putting them in recycling bins) > Learn a new skill (e.g., create and follow a budget) > Remember something (e.g., take reusable bags to the grocery store) > Risk retaliation (e.g., drive the speed limit) Lee, Kotier: Social Marketi