Minneapolis· London Means without End Notes on Politics Uni\"crsity of Press Giorgio Agamben ",,' Bri:lll \hSSllllli BU{;:r\IJSUFTEEURY 8 Becoming-Woman CllllilLt Criggers 6 Capital Times: Tales from the Conquest of Time Al1io 9 Arrow of Chaos: Romanticism and Postmodernity ILl Li\illg-.I(1I1 3 Bad Aboriginal Art: Tradition, Media, and Technological Horizons Fric ,\lidw:ls 5 The Year of Passages Red;llknsm:l"],l 4 Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State-Form Stich,lt:ll Llnh ;lI1d Antonio J'\"egri Theory out of Bounds 'ol{lIlll':}O 7 A Potential Politics: Radical Thought in Italy Translated by Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino P:Hllo \.'ll"l1O ;llld :\'lich:H.J Il:mlt, editors 2 The Cinematic Body StL'YCn Sh:l\'lro 1 The Coming Community (,'lorgi() 17 Proust and Signs: The Complete Text Cillc... Ilclc\l/c 16 Deleuze: The Clamor of Being \bin Ihlll>ll 15 Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State Antonio 1'\:cgri 20 Means without End: Notes on Politics (;iorgio :\gamhcll 11 The New Spinoza \\'.lITen ,\\()l1Llg :ll1d Tcd Stolzc, l,dit()rs 10 Power and Invention: Situating Science Isahl']k Stengers 12 Metamorphoses of the Body Jme Cil 19 The Invention of Modern Science [...;dlcllc Sll'll!!erS 18 Methodology of the Oppressed CheLl 14 When Pain Strikes Bill Burns, (::ltl1" Bu...bv, alhll..:.i1l1 S:l\\cl\llk, 1:1 Critical Environments: Postmodern Theory and the Pragmatics of the "Outside" Cary \\'olfe Printed in the United of AnH:rica Oil ,Kid-free I);IJler Copyright 2000 by the Regents of the University of Minncsotll Guy Debord in memoriam 10 Q 8 7 6 5 4 3 UHRARY 01· CONI'RI'S" CATAl.()(;ING-IN-I'VHLlCATION DATA Ag,llnhcn, Giorgio, 1942[MCZ1.i senz<.l fine. FnglishJ Means without end : on politics / Giorgio Agambcn ; translated hy Vinn:nzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino. p. CIll. - [Theory out of bounds; v. 201 lnclu(ks hil,liographical rcfcrcnccs and indcx. ISIlI\; O-HII>I>-JOJ5-6 (he, Jlk. pape,) --ISBN O-HI66-.HI.1I>-4 (ph .1Ik. paper) 1. Political sciencc-Philosophy. I. Title. 11. Series. JA7I..I17 2000 J20'.OI-dc2! 00-008712 Puhli"hcd by the UniverSIty of Minnesota Pn:<;s 11 t Third Avenue South, Suite 21)() Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520 http://www.uprcss.umll.cdu All rights reserved. No part or this puhlication lIlay be reproduced, "tored in a fetricv;ll system, or transmitted, in any form or hy any means, ekclronic, mechanical, photocopying-, recording, or otherwise, wlthour the prior written p<.:rmission of the publisher. Originally published in Iraly as .fcnzu fine copyright 1996 BolLni Boringhicri cditorc s.d. II 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 OJ 02 01 00 The University of J'vlinnc50ta is an equal-opportunity educator