Israel and the US MVZ248 Week10 Basic-Israel Economy Socialism and market capitalism hybrid Shared democratic values Democracy, press, judiciary Cold War ‘West’ against ‘East’ Proxy for USA in region against USSR’s satellite Arab states (containment) Expanded Since 1980s foreign investment in Africa and Asia Since 1990s significant domestic economic growth (middle class) Technology Since mid-2000s influence expansion (soft power) FDI EU cultural cooperation Sport Eurovision Separate Israel is ‘part’ yet ‘separate’ Hard power and soft power projection Military operations Iraq (1981), Lebanon (1982;2006), Territories (since 1967) Foreign Policy since 1990s towards Russia Foreign Policy since 2010 divergent than USA regarding key allies-enemies-allies Egypt (2011;2013), Turkey, Russia Future Continuation of hard and soft power projection Regional power (status/recognition) Continuation of strategic and special relations with the USA Military Technology Basic-USA Shared values Regional democracy Military Hard power projection Proxy (Cold War) Proxy (since 2010 GWOT/IS/Iran) Expanded Sibling context “All Grown Up” Since 1980s economy Since 1990s GDP growth Since 2000s technology/intelligence-sharing Future Strategic Israel proxy role continues as US disengages from region Special Ideological strength regardless of administration