National Security Strategy 1948-1973 MVZ248 week2 Strength Create an ‘emergency’ conceptual culture in state building and defense “Israel” is under attack BUT Jews will no longer be victims Consolidation of paramilitary organizations into the IDF Irgun and Haganah folded into Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Strategic bases throughout the country North, West, South Quest for best arms (weapons) Czechoslovak, French, American Realism The centuries-old application of realpolitik (Morganthau) Geographical location conforms to the IR paradigm: word is chaotic and anarchy Ego and emotion of world leaders Neo-realism (Waltz) Structural constraints such as regional stability and superpower rivalry BUT nation-states seek self-interest first and foremost 1948-1956 Rejection of Israel by Arab neighbors War for Independence No peace treaties despite diplomatic efforts Neutral or indifferent Western power responses Arms embargo UN and national capitals favored Arab nationalism in post-war years Division of world between USA and USSR Arms race: small to BIG Small-arms Czechoslovak, British Tanks Patton tanks Missiles American HAWK missile system 1967 Planes French Mirage to American Phantom and Skyhawk Nuclear weapons “Elephant in the room” unspoken acknowledgement by world powers that Israel has nuclear weapons. Policy of ‘nuclear ambiguity’ Dimona (city in Negev) Preventive (pre-emptive) policy for rest of region. Known as the Begin Doctrine Iraq in 1981 Iran (present) Defensible Borders Each victory in war expanded boundary for Israel Sinai and Golan (1948, 1967) from Egypt and Syria West Bank (1967) from Jordan Each boundary was defensible AND buffer Internationally recognized treaties with Arab neighbors create formal borders Egypt Jordan 1967 Six-Day War was significant since Israel doubled in size Gained further territory in Sinai and the strategic Golan Buffer zones with Egypt and Syria Captured East Jerusalem and West Bank of Jordan river Reunified Jerusalem and controlled biblical Judea and Samaria 1973 ‘Holocaust’ or watershed moment generational Survival of nation in the hands of 20-something year olds….. Security strategy failed Invincible/inconceivable New national security strategy Peace-treaties and consolidation of territory