As a grade is awarded for this course, preparation, participation, and debriefing for this exercise is graded. A reflective essay as follow-up is a key part of the grade.
Large simulation II. 20. 5. 2021
Our session on 20/5 will run for ~4 hours, somewhat longer than usual.
Please prepare with snacks, energy drinks, or just pure H2O.
While the exact simulation is mostly determined by the group number, the
decision to stay within the realm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was
reinforced by recent events which have culminated in the last days.
Hebron today:
1. Study the General material, YT has a plethora of informative videos on the Hebron situation as well (note this is 1998).
Study the confidential materials
Roles are sent out, keep them confidential, the mediator
may contact you before the mediation or you may meet without disclosing too
much. It’s best if you do step 4 first.
4. Fill out the form
Submit the form to the homework vault by 19/5 20:00.
Files will only be readable/visible to the lecturer. The mediator will receive a separate form.
Thursday 20/5 14-18 mediation
Debrief by submitting a 1500-word
reflective essay by 03/06 23:59. The essay should tap as many of the lecture-literature
concepts we’ve covered as possible to tie their use/abuse/absence in the
mediation itself.