EU crisis management in Africa IREn5021 EU crisis management Jana Urbanovská, Ph.D. 13 May 2021 Content •EU crisis management in Africa •Crisis management operations in Africa •Civilian •Military •Presentations of case studies •EUFOR DR Congo •EUTM Mali •EU NAVFOR Somalia (Atalanta) •EUBAM Libya • EU crisis management in Africa •Significance of Africa for Europe •Source of many threats •Armed conflicts, terrorism, religious radicalism, illegal migration, organized crime – spill-over effects •Source of many opportunities •Natural resources, sphere of political and economic influence, image of the EU •Comprehensive approach: civilian and military crisis management, development and humanitarian aid, diplomacy, trade, economic assistance, sanctions etc. •EU aiming at conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peace enforcement, peacebuilding •Capacity building •Support of the African Union (mostly financial) – training, advising, mentoring •African Peace Facility •Africa as a testing ground for EU CM (along with the Balkans) – ability of the EU to intervene independently •Artemis in DR Congo – first military operation run by the EU only •Instrumentalization of CM missions (esp. former colonial powers) EU civilian crisis management operations in Africa Mission Country Type of mission Duration EUPOL Kinshasa DR Congo Police 2005-2007 EUSEC RD Congo DR Congo Security Sector Reform 2005-2016 EUPOL RD Congo DR Congo Police 2007-2014 EU SSR Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Security Sector Reform 2008-2010 EUCAP Sahel Niger Niger Capacity Building 2012+ EUCAP Somalia Somalia Capacity Building 2012+ EUAVSEC South Sudan South Sudan Aviation Security 2012-2014 EUBAM Libya Libya Border Assistance 2013+ EUCAP Sahel Mali Mali Capacity Building 2014+ EUAM RCA Central African Republic Advisory 2020+ EU military crisis management operations in Africa Mission Country Type of mission Duration Artemis DR Congo Military 2003 EUFOR RD CONGO DR Congo Military 2006 EUFOR Tchad/RCA Tchad/Cent. African Rep. Military 2008-2009 EU NAVFOR Somalia Somalia Naval 2008+ EUTM Somalia Somalia Training 2010+ EUTM Mali Mali Training 2013+ EUFOR RCA Central African Republic Military 2014-2015 EUMAM RCA Central African Republic Military Advisory 2015-2016 EUNAVFOR MED (Sophia) Southern Central Mediterranean Naval 2015-2020 EUTM RCA Central African Republic Training 2016+ EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Mediterranean (Libya) Naval 2020+ References •EU. 2021. Military and civilian missions and operations ( perations_en). •Gegout, Catherine. 2010. EU conflict management in Africa: the limits of an international actor. In: EU Conflict Management. Ed. James Hughes. London and New York: Routledge, 125–137. •Howorth, Jolyon. 2014. Security and Defence Policy in the European Union. Houndmills: Palgrave. •Kempin, Ronja and Scheler, Ronja. 2016. The EU in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. In: The EU, Strategy and Security Policy: Regional and Strategic Challenges. Eds. Laura Chappell, Jocelyn Mawdsley, and Petar Petrov. London: Routledge, 35–50. •Olsen, Gorm Rye. 2009. Africa. Still a secondary security challenge to the European Union. In: European Security in a Global Context. Internal and external dynamics. Ed. Thierry Tardy. London – New York: Routledge, 154–173. •Olsen, Gorm Rye. 2012. Sub-Saharan Africa: a priority region for EU conflict management. In: The European Union as a Global Conflict Manager. Eds. Richard G. Whitmann and Stefan Wolff. London and New York: Routledge, 66–79. •Rummel, Reinhardt. 2013. In search of a Trademark: EU Civilian Operations in Africa. In: European Security Policy and Strategic Culture. Eds. Peter Schmidt and Benjamin Zyla. London: Routledge, 121–141. •Ulriksen, Ståle, Gourlay, Catriona a Mace, Catriona. 2004. Operation Artemis: The Shape of Things to Come? International Peacekeeping 11 (3), 508–525. •