MIDDLE EAST CROSSROADS Mgr. Eva Taterova, M.A., Ph.D. Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi3nSmfhsryuMOZ6N_fTA7Ah6ROma6obv1e7EvoKjkKXry JRDA COURSE OVERVIEW •Online MS Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a72a3caf32d2d473da3a4c9173aa29238%40thread.tacv2/Obecn%25 C3%25A9?groupId=2ec1f2ff-ba5b-404b-8a06-00de9f4a6667&tenantId=11904f23-f0db-4cdc-96f7-390bd55fcee8 • •Credits: 4 ECTS • •Lecturer: Mgr. Eva Taterova, M.A., Ph.D. (evataterova@gmail.com) COURSE SCHEDULE •March 4: Introduction: scope of the course, organization of the course, and course requirements •March 11: Looking Back: Middle East in last 100 years. •March 18: Carving up the Middle East in and after WWI: Was Europe lucky, evil, or smart? •March 25: The Pragmatic Superpowers: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East. •April 1: The Suez Crisis: New Saladin of the Arab World and a final confirmation of European decline. COURSE SCHEDULE •April 1: The Suez Crisis: New Saladin of the Arab World and a final confirmation of European decline. •April 8: Iranian Revolution 1978: Great Satan, Little Satan demonizing epithets and the spread of anti-western propaganda in the Middle East. •April 15: Kurdish Issue and Palestinian Issue: Do all nations deserve their own state? •April 22: 1990s as the Decade of Hope: Does peace even have a chance in the Middle East? •April 29: Online essay COURSE SCHEDULE •May 6: Global Jihadism: Clash of civilization confirmed? •May 13: Interpreting the Arab Spring: Can democracy work in the Middle East? •May 20: Current events in the Middle East •May 27: Final exam COURSE ACTIVITIES •Presentation: The topics will be chosen by the students from the list available in IS. (30 points) • •Online essay: April 29, 2021 (20 points) • •Final Exam: May-June, 5 open questions (60 points) • PRESENTATION •Each presentation is about 20 minutes long. • •Consists of a short summary/background to the given topic, critical analysis of the problem, questions for in-class discussion, and literature and sources. • • PRESENTATION TOPICS •April 1 Anwar Saddat •April 8 ayatollah Ali Khamenei •April 15 Yasser Arafat •April 22 Binyamin Netanyahu •May 6 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi •May 13 Bashar Assad •May 20 Mohammed bin Salman • ONLINE ESSAY •The students shall provide critical assessment of the perspectives to the given topic based on classes and readings. The students are expected to integrate the readings in a thoughtful way, not just summarize them. • •Sample question: Discuss the consequences of Arab Spring for the Middle East. GRADES •A 92 - 100 •B 84 - 91 •C 76 - 83 •D 68 - 75 •E 60 - 67 •F less than 60 points page 10 • • •THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION