Energetické vztahy Ruska a střední a východní Evropy

4) 25.3. Energetika v ekonomice postkomunistických zemí Evropy (Martin Jirušek), 8:00

Přečtěte si následující texty a argumentujte pro, nebo proti tezi, že „ruské“ energetické importy představují bezpečnostní riziko. Výběr argumentační pozice je na vás.

Raik, K.; Rácz, A. (eds.). Post-Crimea shift in EU-Russia relations: From fostering Interdependence to managing vulnerabilities. International Centre for Defence and Security, Estonia, 2019, pp. 142-161. Available from: https://icds.ee/post-crimea-shift-in-eu-russia-relations-from-fostering-interdependence-to-managing-vulnerabilities/

Kubilius, A. et al. (5.2.2021). Germany must abandon Nord Stream 2. EurActiv. Available from: https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/opinion/germany-must-abandon-nord-stream-2/

Jirušek, M.: Nord Stream 2 poses challenges but also means opportunity for the European Union. Atlantic Council, 11/2019. Available from https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/energysource/nord-stream-2-poses-challenges-but-also-means-opportunity-for-the-european-union/

Doporučená literatura:

Balmaceda, Margarita M. (2013). The Politics of Energy Dependency: Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 42 – 60.

Henderson, J., & Prani, S. (2014). The Russian Gas Matrix: How markets are driving change. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 50-81

Jirušek, M.  Politicization in the natural gas sector in South-Eastern Europe: thing of the past or vivid present? Brno: Masaryk University, 2017, p. 56 – 64.

Kovacevic, A. (2009, March). The Impact of the Russia–Ukraine Gas Crisis in South Eastern Europe. Available from: http://www.oxfordenergy.org/wpcms/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/NG29-TheImpactoftheRussiaUkrainianCrisisinSouthEasternEurope-AleksandarKovacevic-2009.pdf