Money and Politics - SECOND PART

The Costs and Benefits of Political Participation

PPT presentation:

EXAMPLES OF SOME OF THE MORE UNUSUAL FORMS OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION (read if you are interested, will not be in the test) 

One of the best-known, large-scale and successful examples of boycott was the Brent Spar case.

If you are interested in notable boycotts in history, you can research The Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Iranian Tobacco Boycott or the Arab League boycott of Israel.

For more recent (but mostly somewhat less notable) examples see e.g.


When it comes to unusual protest activities and a rather specific type of strike action, you might be interested to read the Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee who’s threat to disrobe in public and a sex strike by her and her followers helped end the Second Liberian Civil War.


You can also read about various forms of “humanless protests” (not to be confused with peopleless protests] in Myanmar this year.

 You can read about one “peopleless protest” here.


Nowadays, buycotts are often organized to counter boycotts. See e.g. Trump Urges People To 'Buy L.L.Bean' Amid Boycott Threat


The Guardian published a gallery of political graffiti.


If you want to read up on guerrilla gardening as a form of green activism (and therefore political participation), go here:

or read this shorter text on political gardening 

BBC article on five unusual protest in history.


Literature for this lecture:

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