Block 1
Basic rationale of behavioural activation and other low intensity treatments
Covering the topics of:
- What are low intensity treatments and why we might need them
- The role of low intensity interventions in a busy healthcare system
- Basic principles of behavioural activation
- Behaviourist theories of depression
- Behavioural activation and inhibition systems as neurobiological mediators
- Basic principles in other low intensity interventions for depression, anxiety and insomnia
Recommended reading:
Ferster, C. B. (1973). A functional analysis of depression. American psychologist, 28(10), 857.
Jacobson, N. S., Dobson, K. S., Truax, P. A., Addis, M. E., Koerner, K., Gollan, J. K., ... & Prince, S. E. (1996). A component analysis of cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 64(2), 295.
Pinto-Meza, A., Caseras, X., Soler, J., Puigdemont, D., Pérez, V., & Torrubia, R. (2006). Behavioural inhibition and behavioural activation systems in current and recovered major depression participants. Personality and Individual Differences, 40(2), 215-226.
Bennett-Levy, J., Richards, D. A., Farrand, P., Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., Kavanagh, D. J., ... & Proudfoot, J. (2010). Low intensity CBT interventions: a revolution in mental health care. Oxford guide to low intensity CBT interventions, 1.
Papers for groups
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