Week 2
What We Know About the Emergence of Face, Voice and Emotional Expression Processing
Time: 13 th May 14:00 CEST
We will focus on what the literature so far can tell us about how adult-like emotional expression processing emerges. To understand these findings and what may constrain development, we will also briefly discuss what we know about infant development of general face and voice processing. We will think about the applications of these findings when this developmental timeline could be atypical, such as in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). The group discussion will center around why different studies might find contradictory results using an example.
Workshop content
- We will briefly cover the developmental timeline of face and voice processing.
- We will learn what is known so far about emotional expression processing development.
- We will learn how differences in emotional expression processing can present in disorders.
- We will think about applications to disorders of social development (ASPD and ASD) and how far back differences in social processing can be seen.
Reading List
Mondloch, CJ, Lewis, TL, Budreau, DR, Maurer, D., Dannemiller, JL, Stephens, BR, & Kleiner-Gathercoal, KA (1999). Face perception during early infancy. Psychological Science, 10 (5), 419-422.
Morton, J., & Johnson, MH (1991). CONSPEC and CONLERN: a two-process theory of infant face recognition. Psychological review, 98 (2), 164. *
Oostenbroek, J., Suddendorf, T., Nielsen, M., Redshaw, J., Kennedy-Costantini, S., Davis, J., ... & Slaughter, V. (2016). Comprehensive longitudinal study challenges the existence of neonatal imitation in humans. Current Biology, 26 (10), 1334-1338. *
Dondi, M., Simion, F., & Caltran, G. (1999). Can newborns discriminate between their own cry and the cry of another newborn infant ?. Developmental psychology, 35 (2), 418. *
Lombardo, MV, Barnes, JL, Wheelwright, SJ, & Baron-Cohen, S. (2007). Self-referential cognition and empathy in autism. PloS one, 2 (9), e883.
Marsden, J., Glazebrook, C., Tully, R., & Völlm, B. (2019). Do adult males with antisocial personality disorder (with and without co-morbid psychopathy) have deficits in emotion processing and empathy? A systematic review. Aggression and violent behavior, 48, 197-217.