Fundamental Neuroscience

6.4.2021 Týden 3

Physiology of sensory systems.

In this lecture we will talk about the organization of sensory systems, we will describe the mechanisms of stimulus detection, coding of stimulus modality, intensity and duration.  We will describe basic classification and characteristics of sensory receptors, adaptation and receptive field.  For particular sensory systems, we will explain the mechanism of transduction of stimuli, describe the corresponding sensory organs and cortical areas.

Basic terms:

Sensation, perception; receptors - mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors; receptor adaptation; afferent pathways, central processing, somatotopic organisation; stimulus, transduction, transmission; receptor (= generator) potential; sensory homunculus; pain, reffered pain, pain modulation; olfactory nerve cells, taste cells, taste modalities, utriculus, sacculus, semicircular canals, hair cells, cochlea, Corti's organ, rods, cones, rhodopsin, retinal, refractive power, cornea, lens, accommodation, myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, miosis, mydriasis, direct and consensual pupillary light reflex, ventral and dorsal pathway of visual information processing.