INTRODUCTION & PRACTICALITIES Blanka Plasová ( Jana Válková ( Lucie Novotná ( PUPn4457 GENDER AND LABOUR MARKET IN DIFFERENT EUROPEAN CONTEXTS COURSE OBJECTIVES §The course aims to provide the students with basic understanding of the impact the gender roles and inequalities have on the situation of men and women in the society, mostly in the labour market. §At the end of this course, you will become sensitive to diverse forms of gender order in the society and the consequences of gender differences in the field of social policy. §You will become familiar with the public policies as well as with the policies of employers in the field of reconciling work and personal life §You will be able to assess limits and potential of public as well as employers´ policies. LECTURES - TOPICS §Gender, gender culture and gender role in context of the labour market. (March 12) §Structural context: new trends in the European labour markets. (March 19) §Gender segregation in the labour market. (March 26) §April 2 – National fest (Good Friday) §Institutional context within the EU. (April 9) §Introduction to work-family policy. Childcare policy. (April 16) §Maternity, paternity and parental leave. (April 23) §Family-friendly flexibility. Employers and work-family balance. (April 30) §Micro-perspective: choices and preferences in care and paid work. (May 7) §Gender Equality and Freedom in the Policy Context. (May 14) §Final seminar I (May 21) §Final seminar II (May 28) Students' presentations of second group assignment: 'Find and explain differences among (EU) countries'. Compulsory attendance - active participation is expected. INTRODUCE OURSELVES §Name §Country of origin §Educational background (related to gender?) §Your motivation to join this course Etc. ….. ORGANIZATION & PRACTICALITIES §Teachers: Blanka Plasová, Jana Válková, Lucie Novotná §Fulfilling requirements : 1. Two assignments: a)First group assignment – each group (2 students) answers the thematic question at one (selected) lecture (prepare ppt. presentation) b)Second group assignment - each group presents analysis of key “gender indicators” of European labour markets (prepare ppt. presentation) 2. Compulsory attendance and active participation in final seminars (May 21 and May28) 3. Exam - written test with 3 open question (basic concepts and terms) OVERALL EVALUATION & FINAL GRADE §Written test: max. 70 points §First group assignment: max. 15 points §Second group assignment: max. 15 points points 100 - 92 91 -85 84 - 77 76 - 69 68 -60 59 and less grade A B C D E F First group assignment „COMPLETE TEACHER'S LESSON“ §The main aim of this assignment is to supplement of teacher´s lecture by your own creative presentations where you answer (besides other) the thematic question. §STEPS: §Find the second student to your group (first week in semester) §Select one lesson/thematic question (first week in semester) §Prepare the creative presentations where you 1) answer the thematic question and 2) develop your own original way how to introduce the topic. (in accordance with lessons schedule in syllabus) §Involve all your colleagues to your presentation by the discussion and/or by the thematic game §Form: free (video, events, debates, news, research results…. etc.) §Timing: max. 30 minutes Second group assignment „FIND AND EXPLAIN DIFFERENCES WITHIN (EU) COUNTRIES“ §The main aim of this assignment is to realize differences in EU labour markets (among countries with different regimes of labour market/welfare state) and explain them. §STEPS: §Select group of countries from the list (first week in semester) §Add third country (you can choose your home-country or any other country) §Analyze „key gender indicators of labour markets“ (you can find all indicators in syllabus) in all three countries (2 given +1 selected countries) §Find the most interesting differences (2-3) §Try to explain them (e.g. according to concepts of welfare state regimes or any other relevant concepts and theories) §Prepare presentation of key gender indicators in all three countries, introduce and explain the most interesting differences (2 final seminars in semester) (timing 15minutes + discussion) Second group assignment KEY GENDER INDICATORS 1.Economic activity and inactivity (rates) by sex and reasons for economic inactivity by sex 2.Employment (rates) by sex, age groups, educational attainment, the number of children and the age of youngest child (you can illustrate development in time) 3.Unemployment (rates) by sex, age groups and educational attainment (you can also add the perspective of long-term unemployment of men and women) 4.Distribution of men and women in different economy sectors (industry, services, agriculture) and/or occupations (e.g. ISCO-88 in dataset EU-SILC, or use any other classification) 5.Part-time work as percentage of full-time work by sex (you can add also the involuntary part-time work and/or transition from part-time work to full-time work by sex) 6.Gender pay gap by age and educational attainment 7.Children (in different age groups – mainly 0-2 and 3-6 or 7) in formal childcare or education (see also EU-SILC ad hoc modul 2016 – access to services – in EUROSTAT database) Second group assignment GROUP OF COUNTRIES 1.Sweden + Italy + other country 2.Czech Republic + France + other country 3.Slovenia + Spain + other country 4.Great Britain + Denmark + other country 5.Netherlands + Hungary + other country 6.Germany + Finland + other country 7.Austria + Ireland + other country 8.Poland + Belgium + other country Questions? LET´S TAKE A FIRST STEP TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS… §In the following week try to find the second student to your group. §Choose (together) one lesson/thematic question. §Choose (together) the group of countries you want to analyze. §Sign up a) for the presentation in one lesson and b) for the selected group of countries in the file ‘Student´s group for assignments’ in MS Teams (in Files or via direct link here: 20eo7Zw?e=K8hR67 ) In the case that you cannot find anybody to your group, the teachers will solve the situation in the second week in semester. PLEASE, FORMULATE YOUR EXPECTATIONS §What is your motivation to enroll on the course? (expectations, interests, previous experiences with gender issues…) §What are your expectations from us as your teachers? §Do you have some comments on the course content and assignments? (suggestions for improvement, ambiguities…) § §Please, complete the anonymous questionnaire in MS Teams - here is also the direct link: YRE5DNzBYNzRMQ1lWTkVURUlXRTRTQiQlQCN0PWcu