Week 4: Global and transnational kinship: migration, adoption and others (Souralová)
Transnational families. Transnational motherhood. Transnational fatherhood. Transnational childhood. Transnational grandparenting. Transnational grandchildhood. Transnational adoption.
Obligatory reading
Listen to following podcast:
and following Tedx Talk:
Think about both resources and interpret it through following text:
Howell, S. (2003), Kinning: the Creation of Life Trajectories in Transnational Adoptive Families. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9: 465-484. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.00159
Suggested reading
Baldassar, L & Merla, L. (eds) 2014. Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care: understanding mobility and absence in family life. Routledge.
Baldassar, L., Baldock, C., & Wilding, R. (2007) Families Caring Across Borders: Migration, Aging and Transnational Caregiving. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Baldassar, L. 2007. „Transnational Families and the Provision of Moral and Emotional Support: The Relationship between Truth and Distance.“ Global Studies in Culture and Power 14 (4): 385– 409.
Boehm, Deborah A. 2013. Intimate Migrations. Gender, Family, and I llegality among Transnational Mexicans. New York: NYU Press. Dreby, J. 2006. Honor and virtue: Mexican parenting in the transnational context. Gender & Society, 20, 32-60.
Fog Olwig, Karen. 2002. „A wedding in the family: home making in a global kin network.“ Global Networks 2 (3): 205–218.
Foner, Nancy. 1997. “The Immigrant Family: Cultural Legacies and Cultural Changes.“ International Migration Review 31 (4): 961-974. Jørgen Carling, Cecilia Menjívar & Leah Schmalzbauer. 2012. “Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood.“ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (2): 191-217.
Mummert, Gail 2005. „Transnational Parenting in Mexican Migrant Communities: Redefining Fatherhood, Motherhood and Caregiving.“ The Mexican International Family Strengths Conference, Cuernavaca, Dostupné na http://www.ciesas.edu.mx/proyectos/mifs2005/papers/03/gail_mummert.pdf> (navštíveno červen 2013).
Pribilski, J. 2007. La Chulla Vida. Gender, migration and the family in Andean Ecuador and New York City. New York: Syracuse University Press.
Madianou, M., D. Miller. 2012. Migration and new media: transnational families and polymedia.
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2012
Drotbohm, H. 2015. Shifting Care among Families, Social Networks, and State Institutions in Times of Crisis: A Transnational Cape Verdean Perspective. In Alber, Erdmute und Heike Drotbohm (Ed.) 2015: Anthropological Perspectives on Care. Work, Kinship and the LifeCourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Ebaugh,
Helen Rose, Mary Curry. 2000. “Fictive Kin as Social Capital in New Immigrant Communities.“ Sociological Perspectives 43 (2): 189-209.
Howell, S. 2006. The Kinning of Foreigners. Transnational Adoption in a Global Perspective. New York,
Oxford: Berghahn.