Global Challenges in Social Anthropology

Week 9: Christianity, Islam and other missionaries: challenges of the universal (Kašparová)

Obligatory readings

Stein, Rebecca and Philip Stein. 2017.The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft 4th Edition. Oxon: Routledge. Pp. 189-211

Cannel, F. 2005. The Christianity of Anthropology. Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute. Vol.11:2. 

Stein chapter9 Gods and Spirits
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Please, watch the discussion, read the texts and answer in a 5 min. reflexive writing: How can anthorology of religion work with the category of ´the universal´? 

Reflexive writing instruction: After reading all the texts and watching the video, please write in five minutes everything that comes to your mind in relation to the question above. Do not edit and rewrite but submit the original text. After that, please pose te questions, that are inspired by the reading, as well as your writing.