Morality and Public Sphere

Icons in the Public Sphere: The Refugee and the Covid Crisis

Required Readings:

Binder, Werner & Bernadette N. Jaworsky (2018): “Refugees as Icons: Culture and Iconic Representation”. In: Sociology Compass 12(3). 

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Sonnevend, Julia (2020): “A Virus as an Icon: the 2020 Pandemic in Images”. In: American Journal of Cultural Sociology 8(3), 451-461.

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Presentation: Michaela Šolcová

Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2010): “Iconic Consciousness. The Material Feeling of Meaning”. In: Thesis Eleven 103(1), 10-25.

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Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2010): "The Celebrity-Icon". In: Cultural Sociology 4(3), 323-336.