Migrace, rodina a gender

Týden 13 Migrace, láska, svatba

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Otázky do diskuse

Position papery a prezentující

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Počet zveřejněných témat: 10
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Povinná literatura

Brettell, Caroline B. 2017. Marriage and Migration. Annual Review of Anthropology 46:181-97.
Uberoi, P., R. Palriwala. 2008. „Exploring the Links: Gender Issues in Marriage and Migration“ In Women and Migration in Asia. New Delhi, India: SAGE Publications.
Annurev anthro 102116 041237
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RajniPalriwalaP 2008 ExploringTheLinksGend MarriageMigrationAndG
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Doporučená literatura

Eggebø, H. 2013. A Real Marriage? Applying for Marriage Migration to Norway. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (5): 773-789.

Charsley, K. (ed.) 2012. Transnational Marriage. New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond. New York: Routledge.

Charsley, K. 2006, ‘Unhappy Husbands: Masculinity and Migration in Transnational Pakistani Marriages’. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.), vol 11., pp. 85-105.

Charsley, K. 2006. „Risk and ritual: the protection of British Pakistani women in transnational Marriage“ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32 (7): 1169-87.

Kofman, E. 2004. „Family-related migration: a critical review of European Studies“ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30 (2): 243-62.

Lu, M., Yang, W. 2010. Asian Cross-border Marriage Migration: Demographic Patterns and Social Issues. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Dostupné na: http://dare.uva.nl/cgi/arno/show.cgi?fid=174579

Mai, N. and King, R. 2009. „Love, sexuality and migration: mapping the issue(s)“ Mobilities 4 (3): 295-307.
