Gender Perspectives in Social Work Practice SPRING 2021 Kristýna Pešáková – Lucie Čechovská – gender-based violence, roma community Domestic and intimate partner violence against Roma women Forced sterilization of Roma women – institutional violence Homophobic violence against Roma LGBTQ+ people domestic violence against roma women Data on Roma women’s experience of violence from their male partners are very scarce. Study: Health Risks Related to Domestic Violence against Roma Women (Michal Kozubik, Jitse P. van Dijk and Ivan Rac, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020) domesticviolence againstromawomen forced sterilization Forced sterilization is the involuntary or coerced removal of a person’s ability to reproduce, often through a surgical procedure referred to as a tubal ligation. Forced sterilization is a human rights violation and can constitute an act of genocide, gender-based violence, discrimination, and torture. WHO statement: Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization (link) homophobic violence against roma lgbtq+ people gender-based violence (intersectionality of sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, class) David Tišer,, short movie Roma boys) Group discussion what I will write about (topic) what each chapter will be about (structure) the aim of the work main research question definition of terms regarding my research question and theoretical approach qualitative/quantitative research what methods/method approach to research introduction theoretical part methodology empirical/analytical part conclusion bibliography (attachments) NEXT LESSON 31ST MARCH