Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe

2. Central European political traditions

The lecture will cover the main changes in political regimes in Central and in Eastern Europe. Issues of belated liberalisation and democratisation and different forms of non-democratic regimes will be discussed together with potential implications of the historical heritage of non-democratic politics on political culture in the post-communist region.

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Missing pages

Dear colleagues, in the previous pdf file, pages 192 and 193 are missing. Here they go. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Please, find the presentation for this week here:

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Topics for presentatiions

Dear colleagues, the lists of topics are here. Each topic can be assigned to one person only, please, so one representative for each group suffices to do the job.

Topic for de-communisation seminar 21 April
Počet zveřejněných témat: 4
Nejste přihlášen na žádné téma.
Topics for Central and Eastern European societies 17 May
Počet zveřejněných témat: 4
Nejste přihlášen na žádné téma.
Topics for Democratic Backsliding in Central Europe 24 May
Počet zveřejněných témat: 4
Nejste přihlášen na žádné téma.