ZURb1603 Political Economy of Media Spring 2020 Wed 12:00–13:40 MS Teams Lecturer: Tae-Sik Kim Office Hour: Wed 14:00 – 16:00 & Wed 13:00 – 14:00 Contact Information: beinkid@mail.muni.cz Office Number: 5. 50 Ø Course Objectives This course is designed to help students develop an understanding political economy of media industries in a globalized capitalist world. Students will learn the theoretical background of political economy by reading such classics as Das Capital. By reading topical book chapters, students will critically discuss the boarder context of global political economy of media. The first half of the course will cover the conventional understandings of poltical economy of media. The second half of the course will then focus on the political-economic context of media in recent days. This course is designed… · To understand the theory of political economy · To comprehend the broader context of global political economy in media world. · To critically evaluate the political economy of media industries · To discuss their (students’) own role as consumers and audiences (and producers) in media industries · To get informed about a variety of media industries in the world that hasn’t well been known. · To develop critical thinking skills Ø Syllabus Week 1. Introduction Week 2. Understanding Political Economy Week 3. Basics: Political Economy in Media Week 4. Culture Industry: History of Mass Culture Week 5. Production of Culture Week 6. Audiences and Consumers Week 7. Globalization & Political Economy of Media Week 8. Communication, Identity, and Hegemony Week 9. Midterm Exam Week 10. Final Project Session Week 11. Political Economy of New Media (Short Essay Due) Week 12. Case Study: BBC Week 13. Group Presentation Ø Literatures · Adorno, T., & Horkheimer, M. (2007). The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. · Bourdieu, P. (1993). The field of cultural production. Columbia University Press. · Fuchs, C. (2013). Social media: A critical introduction. Sage. · Marx, K. (2005). Das capital. Volume 1. Translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling. The Marx-Engels Reader, 439-442. · Mills, T. (2016). The BBC: Myth of public service. Verso. · Mosco, V. (1996). The political economy of communication: Rethinking and renewal (Vol. 13). Sage. · Zhao, Y., & Chakravartty, P. (Eds.). (2007). Global communications: Toward a transcultural political economy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Ø Teaching Methods The format of the course is a combination of lectures and controlled discussions of assigned readings. All students are expected to read textbooks assigned and to develop appropriate discussion questions. Ø Assessment Methods v Attendance: 3 unexcused absences during a semester shall be denied academic credit 10% v Midterm Examination 30% TBA v Class Presentation 10% · Develop discussion questions on assigned week’s topic. · Introduce cases not included in textbooks v Final Group Project 30% (Due: 8^th of June, 2020) · Group with 2-3 colleagues · Find your topic by Week 10 · Presentation in Week 13 v Short Essay 20% (4 Pages – Choose one topic) · “Labor” in Media Industries: Who are laborers? And Why? · The relationship between social media and “manufacturing consent” · Culture – Created vs Produced Ø Readings Week 2. Understanding Political Economy · Marx, K. Das Capital, Chapter 1and 2 Week 3. Basics: Political Economy of Media · Mosco, The political economy of communication, Chapter Introduction, 1, 2. Week 4. Culture Industry: Mass Production & Mass Consumption · The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. · Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: A propaganda model. Manufacturing Consent Week 5. Production of Culture · Bourdieu, P. (1993). The field of cultural production Chapter 1-2. Week 6. Communication, Identity, and Hegemony · Mosco, The political economy of communication, Chapter 9 Week 7. Media Capabilities · Moss, G. (2018). Media, capabilities, and justification. Media, Culture & Society, 40(1), 94-109. Week 8. Political Economy of New Media · Social Media: A Critical Introduction Chapter 1, 6, 9 Week 9. Platform Capitalism · Srnicek, N. (2017). Platform Capitalism. Verso. Pp 1-92. Week 10. Midterm Examination Week 11. Research Preparation (No Class) Week 12. Case Study: BBC · Mills, The BBC, Introduction, Chapter 6, and Conclusion