Media representation of marginalized identities

Dr. Katarzyna Drąg The Pontifical University of John Paul II “Ethnic Images in TV series in XXI century. Between Stereotyping and Education”

The lecture deals with the image of intercultural contacts in pop culture on the example of television series. Analyzes of specific examples are based on the theory of stereotypes and the theory of intercultural communication. The presentation attempts to answer the questions about the consequences of images of intercultural relations in the context of educating recipients' communicative competencies. 


Katarzyna Drąg

is a Ph.D., media scholar, literary scholar, and a culturologist. She is a director of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication at the Pontifical University of John Paul ІІ in Krakow, adjunct at the department of mass media and social communication. Her research interests focus on two areas: the science of communication and intercultural communication, and the history of the press and journalism (specifically, in the 19th and 20th centuries until 1939). Member of the Polish Society of Social Communication and Media Studies Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Co-organizer of the Conference on Mass Media Ethics. A fellow of the National Agency of Academic Exchange. Author of the book "In Galician ethnic, national, and social melting pot", Krakow, 2013, and many papers about the professionalization of journalism, starting from the mid 19th century.