PRESENTATIONS OF ASSIGNED READINGS (2 chapters + lecture) 6 APRIL 2021 NAME - LANGUAGE AND GENDER ROBERT HELÁN The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch. 7), The Handbook of Socioling. (ch. 8), Introducing Socioling. (ch.10), Language in Society (ch. 4), Lecture 19 (The Gender Divide in Language) 13 APRIL 2021 NAME - LANGUAGE AND IDENTITY BEYZA NUR HIDIR The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch.12), The Handbook of Socioling. (ch. 19), Lecture 20 (Ethnic Identity and Language) 20 APRIL 2021 NAME - LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL CLASS TOM COSNIER-JENNINGS The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch. 6), Introducing Socioling. (ch. 8), Language in Society (ch.3), Lecture 10 (Language and Social Class) 27 APRIL 2021 NAME - LANGUAGE AND AGE KRISTINA BABETS The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch. 8), The Handbook of Socioling. (ch. 9), Lecture 11 (Sex, Age, and Language Change) 4 MAY 2021 ______NAME - LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION AGATHE MARCHAIS The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch. 19), The Handbook of Socioling. (ch.24), Lecture 22 (Language, Adolescence, and Education) 11 MAY 2021 ______NAME - POLITENESS URSKA GOLOB The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch. 15), Introducing Socioling. (ch. 5), Lecture 17 (Mind Your Manners – Politeness Speech) 18 MAY 2021 ______NAME - THE SOCIOLINGUISTICS AND MEDIA ŠTĚPÁN VOJTĚCH The Handbook of Socioling. (ch. 11), The Routledge Companion to Socioling. (ch.17), Lecture 23 (Textspeak – 2 Bad 4 English?) 25 MAY 2021: PRESENTATIONS OF FINAL ANALYSES: ALL STUDENTS All the reading material has been uploaded in the Masaryk University Information System – see “Learning Materials: WEEK 3” – “BOOKS FOR READING AND IN-CLASS PRESENTATIONS”