02.03.22 1 Timeline Date 18.2. Institutions 25.2. Institutions II 4.3. Classical Institutionalism and New Institutional Economics 11.3. Property rights and resource regimes, Commons 18.3. Doughnot Economics: From Planetary Boundaries to thinking how an economy can be regenerative by design (Claudio Cattaneo) 25.3. Application of the doughnut at the city scale with Barcelona as an example (Claudio Cattaneo) 1.4. Ecological Resource Economics 8.4. Applications: water, forests, fisheries 15.4. 22.4. The Water–Energy–Food Nexus in India 29.4. Q&A, discussion 6.5. Presentations I 13.5. Presentations II 20.5. Debate, Open Space, Experiment 1 2 02.03.22 2 Ecology, Economics - etymology • Ecology: oikos (“house” or “habitation”) & logia (“study of”) (https://www.etymonline.com/word/ecology#etymonline_v_979 ) • Economics: oikos (“house” or “habitation”) nomos (“managing” or “custom” or “law”) (https://www.etymonline.com/word/economy?ref=etymonline_crossreference#etymonline_v_980 ) ØInstitutions are rules / custom / law and should be a fundamental part of economics 3 3 Definitions • John Dewey (1931): "An institution is defined as collective action in control, liberation and expansion of individual action." in «Institutional Economics» American Economic Review, Vol. 21 (December 1931), pp. 648–657. 4Vatn 2005, p. 10 4 02.03.22 3 Greeting institutions • Handshakes / Namaste / Chinese greeting / … ØWhy do greetings exist? ØIs greeting a convention or a norm? 5 5 Greeting institutions After Covid-19: Do you think that handshakes will come back? A New Institutional Economics perspective: Allen and Lueck (1992) on handshakes, reputation, and farmland contracts Austria: “Handshake quality” 6 6 02.03.22 4 Ø Institutions as “rules of the game“ (Douglas North) 7 Ø The Landlord‘s Game - Henry George 8 02.03.22 5 “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Palaeolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and godlike technology” (sociobiologist E.O. Wilson, interview in 2009) 9 Singularity passed Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYVVgGWUKKg ØThe Social Dilemma - Tristan Harris - New Age In Tech Presentation 10 02.03.22 6 Source: https://bigthink.com/in-their-own-words/the-danger-is-not- machines-becoming-humans-but-humans-becoming-machines 11 The individual and society ØPositivist, Constructivist, Realist ØMethodological Individualism vs. Holism: Systemism/Relationism/Institutionalism ØStructuration and Critical Realism (Anthony Giddens, Roy Bhaskar, Margaret Archer) ØDifferent types of structures (property rights, money, etc.) Vatn 2005, p. 26 12