ESOn4007 Contemporary Migration Research SPRING 2022 Even Fridays, 10:00 to 13:40, Room U34 Instructors: Mgr. Ivana Rapoš Božič, Ph.D. (Office hours: by appointment) doc. Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky, Ph.D. (room 3.66, Wednesdays 13:00 – 14:00) Guest lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Parzer, Universität Wien Mgr. Petra Ezzeddine, Ph.D., Charles University, Prague Mgr. Alica Rétiová, Ph.D. FSS MU Mgr. Radka Klvaňová, Ph.D., M.A., FSS MU Course Description There could hardly be a more important topic in contemporary societies than international migration. In today’s globalized world, there are more than 281 million migrants and the trend toward movement across borders is only increasing. Migration is a hot-button issue in many countries, with politicians, the media and the public speaking out, especially concerning unauthorized migrants and refugees. Exploring the phenomenon of migration can involve multiple perspectives and methods. In this course, we focus on various methods for researching people on the move, from ethnographies of borders to rich, detailed in-depth interviews, to the analysis of media and online materials. We also consider the reflexivity of the researcher, looking at the intersection of activism and social scientific investigation. The ultimate goal is to gain a better understanding of contemporary migration in a global context. Course objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to: § Describe and consider the phenomenon of contemporary international migration in a global context § Investigate localized migration events § Conceptualize the methods of migration research and assess the appropriateness of single methods for a concrete research design § Design a research study on a migration issue § Assess the possible contribution of academic knowledge to non-academic social fields Conditions for Passing the Course 1. Participation in class (discussions, group projects) (25%) 2. Written Assignments (30%) 5 points for each home assignment (discussion papers and peer-to-peer feedback) 3. Final paper (3,000 – 4,000 words) (45% - 10% for the draft and 35% for the final paper) Subject Points Delivery term Notes Discussion Papers 25 Thursdays at 11:00 Sessions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (5 points each) Class Participation 25 Fridays in class Sessions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (5 points each) Draft of the paper 10 Monday, May 2 at 11:00 Peer review of paper draft 5 Thursday, May 5, 23:59 Final research paper 35 Sunday, June 19 at 23:59 Evaluation is based upon this scale: 90-100 points - A 80-89 points - B 70-79 points - C 66-69 points - D 60-65 points - E 0-59 points - F Study Materials and Instructions · For each session, readings are specified in the syllabus. All the required texts are available in electronic form in the IS Study Materials folder and are linked to the Interactive Syllabus. · Instructions for group projects will be specified in class. · Instructions for the assignments will be available in the Study Materials. · Please, check the Interactive Syllabus regularly for actual readings and study instructions. Timetable The course is taught regularly in double-block sessions once in two weeks (even weeks) from 10:00 until 13:40. Academic Honesty The Faculty of Social Studies at MU expects students to know the study rules and maintain academic honesty by refraining from plagiarism and from cheating during exams. Plagiarism means that one presents other peoples’ ideas as one’s own and does not credit the author. Plagiarism is one of the most serious breaches of ethical standards in the academic environment, for it denies the mission of the university and the meaning of studying. From a legal perspective, plagiarism is the stealing of intellectual property. The official FSS policy on academic honesty is available in the course’s interactive syllabus in IS. Academic dishonesty is not tolerated under any circumstances at FSS. The minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is expulsion from the course, a grade of F for the semester, and referral to the Faculty disciplinary committee. Course Schedule: Session #1 – INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE (February 25) (Jaworsky) We have linked the Syllabus and the Discussion Paper Guideline files in the Interactive Syllabus Session #2 ONLINE AND MEDIA RESEARCH (March 11) (Jaworsky) Readings Prior to Class: Jaworsky, Bernadette N. 2016. The Boundaries of Belonging. Online Work of Immigrant-Related Social Movement Organizations. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. READ ONLY CHAPTER 1 (pp. 1-34) and CHAPTER 3 (pp. 67-112). Binder, Werner and Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky. 2018. “Refugees as Icons: Culture and Iconic Representation.” Sociology Compass. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12568. Discussion Papers: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vault by March 10, 11:00 (please check the discussion paper guidelines in Study Materials) Additional Readings (recommended): Lenette, Caroline. 2016. “Writing with light: An iconographic‐iconologic approach to refugee photography.” Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2), art. 8. Retrieve from http://www.qualitative‐ Chouliaraki, Lilie and Tijana Stolic. 2017. “Rethinking Media Responsibility in the Refugee ‘Crisis’: A Visual Typology of European News.” Media, Culture & Society 39(8): 1162-1177. Jaworsky, Bernadette N. 2016. The Boundaries of Belonging. Online Work of Immigrant-Related Social Movement Organizations. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. (Remaining Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6) Session #3 – RESEARCH ON PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF MIGRATION (March 25) (Jaworsky/Klvaňová/Rétiová/Rapoš Božič) Readings Prior to Class: Rapoš Božič, I., Klvaňová R., Jaworsky, B.N. (forthcoming). “Foreigner, migrant or refugee? How laypeople label those who cross borders.” The paper is currently in the peer review. Please, do not circulate. Ferreira, V., S. 2014. “Arts and tricks of comprehensive interview.” Saude e Sociedade 23(3): 979-992. Löfflmann, G., Vaughan-Williams, N. 2018. “Vernacular imaginaries of European border security among citizens: From walls to information management.” European Journal of International Security 3 (3): 382-400. Discussion Papers: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vault by March 24, 11:00 (please check the discussion paper guidelines in Study Materials) Additional Readings (recommended): Czaika, M., Di Lillo, A. 2018: The geography of anti-immigrant attitudes across Europe, 2002–2014, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Heath, A. Davidov, E. Ford, R. Green, E., Ramos, A., Schmidt, P. 2019. “Contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Löfflmann, G., Vaughan-Williams, N. 2017. “Narrating identity, border security and migration: critical focus groups and the everyday as problematic”. Critical Studies on Security. Session #4 – ETHNOGRAPHIC APPROACHES (April 8) (/Jaworsky) Readings Prior to Class: Cvajner, Martina. Soviet signoras. University of Chicago Press, 2019. Read: Prologue (pp. vii-x); Introduction (pp. 1-25); Chapter 3 (pp. 95-116) Discussion Papers: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vault by April 7, 11:00 (please check the discussion paper guidelines in Study Materials) Additional Readings (recommended): Additional Chapters in the book Soviet signoras. Session #5 – REFUGEE/MIGRANT ARTISTIC PRODUCTION (April 22) (Parzer/Rapoš Božič) Readings Prior to Class: Martiniello, Marco. 2022. "Researching Arts, Culture, Migration and Change: A Multi (Trans)disciplinary Challenge for International Migration Studies." Comparative Migration Studies 10(1): 1-11. Parzer, Michael. 2021. "Double Burden of Representation: How Ethnic and Refugee Categorisation Shapes Syrian Migrants' Artistic Practices in Austria." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(11): 2459-2476. Rapošová, Ivana. 2019. "'We Can't Just Put Any Belly-dancer into the Program': Cultural Activism as Boundary Work in the City of Bratislava." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(11), 2100-2117. Discussion Papers: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vault by April 21, 11:00 (please check the discussion paper guidelines in Study Materials) Additional Readings (recommended): DiMaggio, Paul and Patricia Fernández-Kelly. 2015. "Immigration and the Arts: A Theoretical Inquiry." Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(8): 1236-1244. Sievers, Wiebke. 2014. "A Contested Terrain: Immigrants and Their Descendants in Viennese Culture." Identities 21(1): 26-41. Mijić, Ana and Michael Parzer. 2022. "The Art of Arriving: A New Methodological Approach to Reframing 'Refugee Integration'." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20 (forthcoming – will be accessible soon). Session #6 – ACTIVISM IN RESEARCH (May 6) (Ezzeddine/Rapoš Božič) Readings Prior to Class: Kellett, Peter. 2009. “Advocacy in Anthropology: Active Engagement or Passive Scholarship?” Durham Anthropology Journal 16(1): 22-31. Anderson, Bridget. 2003 “Just Another Job? The Commodification of Domestic Labor.” In Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers, edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild. London: Granta Books, pp. 104-114. Andersson, Ruben. 2017. “The Price of Impact: Reflections on Academic Outreach Amid the ‘Refugee Crisis.’” Social Anthropology. Published online at: doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12478. Discussion Papers: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vault by May 5, 11:00 (please check the discussion paper guidelines in Study Materials) Additional Readings (recommended): Sidiropulu Janků, Kateřina. 2015. “Researching with Respect, Remembering with Dignity: Day after Day.” In Doing Research, Making Science: The Memory of Roma Workers, edited by Kateřina Nedbálkova and Kateřina Sidiropulu Janků. Brno: Muni Press, pp. 21-53. Kubala, Petr. 2015. “How Was This Exhibition Written and Read?” In Doing Research, Making Science: The Memory of Roma Workers, edited by Kateřina Nedbálkova and Kateřina Sidiropulu Janků. Brno: Muni Press, pp. 189-263. Letiecq, Bethany and Leah Schmalzbauer. 2012. “Community-based Participatory Research with Mexican Migrants in a New Rural Destination: A Good Fit?” Action Research 10(3): 244-259. LERI project website: me Homework assignments: 1. Final paper draft: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vaults by Monday, May 2, at 11:00. 2. Peer-to-peer feedback on your colleague’s paper proposal: to be submitted to IS-Study Materials-Homework Vaults and to your assigned peer by Thursday, May 5, 23:59.