Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market Tomáš Doseděl ESOn4022: Inequality and Society Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 2 Basic concepts of the class analysis ̶Social class: a group of people dealing with similar living conditions, acting in a similar way ̶Classic approach: condition = position on the labor market (Marx, Weber) ̶Innovation: not only the economic aspects of life but also education and connections (Bourdieu) ̶Concepts of capital: economic, cultural, social Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 3 Basic concepts of the class analysis EGP scheme: ̶Employers ̶Employees ̶Service contract ̶Labour contract ̶Mixed contract ̶Self-employed Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 4 Basic concepts of the class analysis EGP/ESeC scheme: ̶Employers ̶Employees ̶Service contract ̶Labour contract ̶Mixed contract ̶Self-employed ̶ Deductive approach: we have information about the structure of the labor market, classes are theoretically constructed, people are divided into prepared classes. Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 5 Great British Class Survey ̶Social capital ̶Economic capital ̶Cultural capital ̶7 social classes Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 6 Great British Class Survey ̶Social capital ̶Economic capital ̶Cultural capital ̶7 social classes ̶ Inductive approach: we have information about people, we divide them into groups, which are internally homogenous and externally heterogeneous Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 7 Great British Class Survey Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 8 Guy Standing: The Precariat ̶Precarious work is characterised by the insecurities: ̶employer (agency work, Bogus self-employment) ̶duration of the contract (temporality, occasionality) ̶health and social security (health insurance, vacation, pension) ̶representation (unions, law…) ̶ ̶Citizens × Denizens Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 9 Guy Standing: The Precariat ̶Precarious work is characterised by the insecurities: ̶employer (agency work, Bogus self-employment) ̶duration of the contract (temporality, occasionality) ̶health and social security (health insurance, vacation, pension) ̶representation (unions, law…) ̶ ̶Citizens × Denizens ̶ ̶Class scheme ̶Elite ̶Salariat ̶Proficians ̶Proletariat ̶Precariat ̶ Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 10 On the way to flexible jobs… ̶Since 1970s ̶Set of economic and social crisis ̶The second crisis of modernity (Wagner) ̶Dismantling of large organizations and… ̶… demand for flexibilisation of both suppliers and workforce Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 11 On the way to flexible jobs… ̶Different concepts: ̶flexible ̶atypical ̶non-standard ̶flexploitating ̶precarious ̶ ̶In the EU (ILO): ̶20 % employees work part-time ̶11 % employees have fixed-term contract ̶2.4 % employees have contract shorter than 3 month Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 12 Criticisms of Precariat ̶FTPC (as an ideal) was rather exceptional in the history of humankind ̶the life experience of the precariat members is not different from that of the working-class members ̶precariat, is a standard work experience of employees in the Global South Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 13 Who are the members of Precariat? ̶The differences from the FTPC ̶Part-time, Fixed-term, Agency work, Bogus self-employment ̶CONS: is every part-time necessary precarious? Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 14 Who are the members of Precariat? ̶The differences from the FTPC ̶Part-time, Fixed-term, Agency work, Bogus self-employment ̶CONS: is every part-time necessary precarious? ̶Social characteristics of employment ̶Health insurance, vacation, collective negotiation, unionization ̶CONS: no such information in usual surveys Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 15 Who are the members of Precariat? ̶The differences from the FTPC ̶Part-time, Fixed-term, Agency work, Bogus self-employment ̶CONS: is every part-time necessary precarious? ̶Social characteristics of employment ̶Health insurance, vacation, collective negotiation, unionization ̶CONS: no such information in usual surveys ̶Self-evaluation of the employees ̶Do you feel any form of insecurity connected with your employment? ̶CONS: coping mechanism Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 16 Who are the members of Precariat? ̶The differences from the FTPC ̶Part-time, Fixed-term, Agency work, Bogus self-employment ̶Social characteristics of employment ̶Health insurance, vacation, collective negotiation, unionization ̶Self-evaluation of the employees ̶Do you feel any form of insecurities connected with your employment? Russia (Shkaratan and Gasiukova 2015): 27 % • UK (Savage et al 2013): 15 % (Great British Class Survey) • Czechia (Prokop et al 2019): 18 % • Spain (De La Poza 2020): 39 % Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 17 TEDx: Guy Standing Adobe Systems Inequality and labour market 18 Precarious questions ̶(Operationalization of the Precariat) ̶ ̶Is the work insecurity experience the same for all kinds of employees? ̶Does it form the same value change and agency?