Humanitarian Intervention

About the course


During this course, you will learn in multiple ways. 

·      You will acquire factual knowledge from readings, lectures and colleagues’ presentations

·      You will practice your communication and research skills, together with cooperation with a colleague during pair presentation project and subsequent research paper

·      You will practice your critical thinking during your research project, engagement with the literature in preparation for the sessions and research for the end-of-term essay


To pass the course, you need to:

  • accumulate points for weekly activities and an optional position paper (3 points per session, 11 sessions with activities, total 33 points)
  • to participate in presenting a case study on a date when your topic is due according to the syllabus (in total possible 10 points, failure to present equals X at the end of the semester) or do an equivalent submitting video presentation or voiced PowerPoint presentation.
  • and subsequently submit a research paper (in total possible 20 points, failure to submit equals X). The research paper can be revised and resubmitted.


Every session, you will have an opportunity to obtain 3 points based on engagement with reading assigned for each (short quizzes, short position statements, group work etc.). Therefore, come to the class prepared, having read the assigned text before the indicated session. 


A case study project is a way how to gain research experience and exercise your cooperation and presentation skills.

Work in pairs or alone, the number of points and work is the same.

If you want to work in pairs, choose a partner first and then choose a topic together and sign up. 

You will present outcomes of your research in the class on the date indicated in the syllabus for your topic or submit a presentation (video, PowerPoint presentation with slides)

Subsequently, you will submit a pair paper that will discuss both sides of arguments for and against the particular intervention.

The presentation will be a maximum of 15 minutes (max 10 points). Do not exceed that time. Do your research thoroughly but report only the most pertinent findings. The required length of the paper is 3.000 words (20 points) due one week after the presentation.

Structure of the presentation:

Who are the actors of the crisis and what are their interests/grievances?

What is the international society/status of international law towards this particular intervention/ non-intervention?

What were the consequences of the intervention/non-intervention for the country of the crisis, for international law and for outside actors?

Argue for intervention – argue against intervention based on what the arguments at the time were presented. 


A 63-59

B 58-55

C 54-49

D 48-43

E 42-37